18. The Committee noted that in accordance with the Codex Alimentarius Procedural Manual, all provisions in respect of food additives should be forwarded to the CCFAC for endorsement. The 22nd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission adopted the proposed draft revised Standard for Food Grade Salt, including the food additive provisions summarized in document CX/FAC 98/4, as a final Codex text (ALINORM 97/37, paras. 52-54). The Commission had nonetheless requested that these provisions be forwarded to the CCFAC for consideration.
19. The delegation of India observed that emulsifiers and processing aids were not technologically necessary for food grade salt intended for the final consumer, but may be necessary for industrial uses of food grade salt.
20. The Codex Secretariat clarified that the maximum level of 20 mg/kg under the functional class of anticaking agents should only apply to Tricalcium Orthophosphate, and that food additives under INS numbers 170 (i), 504 (i), 530, 551, 552, 553 (i), 554, 556 with non-specified ADIs could be used according to GMP. As the aluminium and magnesium Salts of Myristic, Palmitic or Stearic Acids had a status of no ADI allocated, the Committee agreed to recommend the removal of these specific provisions from the Standard. The remaining food additive provisions were endorsed as proposed.
21. The status of the endorsement of the food additive provisions of the Codex Standard for Food Grade Salt are contained in Appendix VII to this report.