61. The 29th CCFAC postponed discussions on methodology for exposure assessment to its current meeting to enable a paper to be prepared by the United Kingdom with assistance of the delegations of Denmark and the Netherlands. (ALINORM 97/12A, para.50).
62. The delegate of the United Kingdom gave a short introduction of the paper. Several delegations expressed the view that the paper served as a good basis to develop exposure assessment methodologies, and that the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Food Consumption and Exposure Assessment of Chemicals and the advice of JECFA should also be taken into account. The importance of addressing major food groups, as well as individual foods, was stressed, as was the need to take regional dietary differences into account. Environmental contamination from air and water was also identified as an important source of exposure to be taken into account for some contaminants. Some delegations felt that the methodology should give preference to the ALARA[17] principle and should not be based on the highest levels of contaminants observed.
63. The Committee decided to develop the document further on the basis of the above discussions and comments submitted for circulation and comment prior to the next session of the CCFAC, and assigned this work to the UK, with the assistance of the Australia, France, Denmark, India, Italy, the Netherlands, USA and WHO.