The recently established FAO DOCUMENTATION CENTER selects, abstracts and indexes FAO documents on agriculture, forestry, fisheries, nutrition, rural economics, etc., on a current basis since 1967, and retroactively for the period 1945-66 (some 25,000 documents).
It provides the following services:
· Monthly: FAO Documentation - Current Index (free of charge, on request)· Periodically (announce in the Current Index): Special Indexes (1945-66) per subject field: Technical Assistance reports - Fisheries - Forestry - Plants - Animals, etc. Priced at $5.00 (40s.) to $8.00 (64s.) - up to 2,500 references each.
· Question & Answer: establishes, on request, ad hoc bibliographies on specific topics and provides, at sales price or at reproduction costs, the required documents, in original, photoprint or microform.
Further details on services, indexes, services costs can be obtained from:
FAO Documentation Center (Ref. FO-1)
FAO Headquarters, 00100 Rome, Italy
INDEX (1945-66) - FORESTRY
This index covers most of the publications and documents produced from 1945 to 1966 by the FAO Forestry and Forest Products Division. It contains some 2,500 entries in the bibliographical list (each entry composed of bibliographical data with a short abstract), an author index and a subject-matter index (with some 30,000 entries).
The index (Ref. symbol PU:DC/Sp.4) is priced at $7.00 (56s.)