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Section I : Assessing Programme Design
1. Assessing programme relevance
2. Assessing programme targeting
3. Assessing programme interventions
4. Assessing community activities
5. Assessing the effectiveness of community mobilizers
6. Assessing programme management
7. Assessing programme monitoring and evaluation
8. Assessing programme linkages
9. Summarizing the assessment of programme design and action
Section II : Assessing the Macroenvironment
1. Assessing the macropolicy environment
2. Assessing the degree of intersectoral collaboration
3. Assessing the level of Government's resource commitment to nutrition
4. Assessing the role and contribution of the international community
5. Assessing the adequacy of national technical expertise
6. Summarizing the assessment of the macroenvironment and action
Section III : Assessing the Microenvironment
1. Assessing the extent of diversity in the programme area
2. Assessing the local food economy
3. Assessing levels of community development
4. Assessing access to basic services and technical expertise
5. Assessing the adequacy of local development structures
6. Summarizing the assessment of the microenvironment and action
Section IV : Assessing Sustainability
1. Assessing programme resources
2. Assessing programme ownership
3. Assessing the programme's ability to respond to future felt needs
4. Summarizing the assessment of sustainability and action
Annex 2: Further reading and how to get help
Annex 3: An example of a conceptual framework