Unasylva editorial focus and readership
Unasylva, an international journal of forestry and forest industries, is published quarterly in English, French and Spanish. Unasylva publishes articles on all aspects of forestry: policy and planning; conservation and management of forest-based plants and animals; rural socioeconomic development; species improvement; industrial development; international trade; and environmental impact, including the role of forests and trees in maintaining at micro and macro levels a sustainable base for agricultural production, and the effects of environmental change on forestry.
Unasylva publishes articles specifically prepared for the journal, as opposed to technical papers. However, papers may be submitted for consideration, with the understanding that they will be edited to bring them in line with the overall style of the journal.
Unasylva prefers original articles, but occasionally reprints articles judged to be of particular value that have been previously published with very limited distribution and with a limited readership overlap with Unasylva.
The readers of Unasylva fall into four broad categories; articles should be of interest to as broad a cross-section of this readership as possible:
· government of finials, in particular those of national forest services, as well as the administrative structures responsible for overall agricultural and rural development. This category also includes delegates and missions attached to the United Nations and its specialized agencies, and staff members of governmental and non-governmental organizations dealing with forestry;· forestry schools and institutes, their libraries, and staff members;
· industrial forestry operations, both government and privately owned;
· individual professional foresters, especially those concerned with international forestry.
Unasylva accepts unsolicited manuscripts; however, authors are encouraged to submit proposals for articles, rather than finished manuscripts. This usually results in articles that more closely fit the editorial plans of the journal, and in increased efficiency in terms of writing and editing time.
Manuscript preparation
Manuscripts may be submitted in English, French or Spanish. Articles should be submitted typewritten, double-spaced on A4 size paper (approximately 21 x 30 cm). Article length should be more than 2 000 and less than 5 000 words; however, shorter or longer articles may be considered on occasion. If possible, submit the manuscript on a floppy computer disk using an IBM-compatible PC. Do not use a justified (straight) right margin. Name the word processing program used.
The first page of the article should be a title page, giving the full name, position and contact address (including telephone and telex or telefax if available) of the author(s). Subsequent pages should be numbered sequentially and should bear the name of the author(s) in the upper right-hand corner.
In editing manuscripts, Unasylva will attempt to maintain the style and point of view of the author; wherever possible, the author will be consulted with respect to major changes. However, Unasylva reserves the right to edit all copy as deemed appropriate.
Measurements and numerals
All measurements should be given in the metric system. In running text, spell out numbers from one to ten. Write numbers above ten in Arabic numerals (e.g. 11, 12, etc.) except when a number occurs as the first word of a sentence. Numbers of more than three digits should be written with a space between each group of three digits (e.g. 3 257). Do not use a comma. Use the decimal point: 1.25, not the decimal comma. If monetary data are included in the article, a conversion rate to US$ in force at the time of article submission should be provided. In the text, monetary data should be provided in both local currency and US$ (e.g. Lit. 1 000 (US$1.00)).
Abbreviations and scientific names
An abbreviation should be defined the first time it is used, for example, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Underline names of genera, species and varieties, but not names of classes, orders and families. Underline words in other than the main language of the text.
References and notes
Articles should be accompanied by appropriate references. For style of references, please see examples in the journal. Footnotes should be avoided if at all possible.
Illustrative material
Unasylva encourages authors to provide supporting illustrative material with manuscript submissions. Figures, graphs and drawings of any kind should each be on a separate page and numbered to correspond to their points of reference in the text. They should not be pasted into the body of the text. Before preparing tables, consider whether the material can be presented more effectively in figure form.
Unasylva uses black-and-white photographs. If possible, submit good-quality black-and-white prints (18 x 24 cm) on glossy paper. However, unprocessed rolls of film, negatives and colour slides (for transfer to black-and-white) are also acceptable. Slides and negatives will be returned; prints will not.