1. Opening of the session
2. Administrative arrangements
3. Adoption of the agenda and arrangements for the session
4. Election of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
5. Current Status of fisheries in the Lake Kariba national sectors
6. Legislation, restrictions, monitoring control and surveillance
7. An overview of fisheries management and environmental degradation issues
8. Recommendation made at the Technical Consultation
9. Any other matters
10. Acknowledgments
11. Date and place of the next ad hoc consultation
12. Adoption of the report and recommendations
Mr Charles Maguswi
Assistant Director, Fisheries
Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries
Fisheries Department
PO Box 350100
Tel: 260 1 278173
Fax: 260 1 27843
Email: piscator@zamnet
Mr Mutale Lubwe
Aqua Harvest Ltd
2701 Cedar Road
PO Box 320073
Cell: 260 97 803446
Tel:/Fax 260 1 264260
Email: [email protected]
Mr Blesford C. Mubanga
Fisheries Officer
Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries
PO Box 630450
Tel: 260 32 20460
Cell: 260 1 777246
Email: [email protected]
Mr Wilson Mhlanga
Senior Ecologist
Ministry of Environment and Tourism
P Bag 2075
Tel: 263 61 2936 /263 91 236104
Fax: 263 61 2938
Email: [email protected]
Mr Jackson Makasa
VMC Secretary/Representative
Kawimbi Fishing Village
PO Box 85
Mr Godfrey Milindi
Chief Fisheries Officer
Ministry of Agriculture. Food and Fisheries
PO Box 350100
Tel: 260 1 278515
Fax: 260 1 278418
Email: [email protected]
Ms Medrina Ndhlovu
Department of Fisheries
PO Box 350100
Tel: 260 1 278515
Fax: 260 1 278418
Email: [email protected]
Mr Patrick Ngalande
Senior Fisheries Research Officer
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Sinazongwe Fisheries Training Centre
PO Box 9
Tel: 260 1 483025
Fax: 260 1 278418
Email: [email protected]
Mrs Rachel Gawain
Acting Chief Ecologist
Department of National Parks
Ministry of Environment and Tourism
PO Box CY 140, Causeway
Tel: 263 4 792786/9
Ms Sofia Mutsekwa
Senior Ecologist
Ministry of Environment and Tourism
PO Box CY 140, Causeway
Tel: 263 4 792789
Fax: 263 4 724914
Mr Alhaji Jallow
FAO Regional Office for Africa
PO Box GP 1628
Accra, Ghana
Tel: 233 21 675000 Ext 3193
Cell: 233 24 277826
Fax: 233 21 668427
Email: [email protected]
Mr George W. Ssentongo
Fisheries Officer
FAO Subregional Office for Southern and
Eastern Africa
Old Mutual Centre
PO Box 3730
Tel: 263 4 791420/791485/71495
Fax: 263 4 700724
Email: [email protected]
Mr Aubrey Harris
Senior Fisheries Officer
FAO Subregional Office for Southern and East Africa
Old Mutual Centre
PO Box 3730
Harare Tel: 263 4 253693
Fax: 263 4 700724
Email: [email protected]
Mr Jeppe Kolding
Associate Professor
University of Bergen, Department of Fisheries
and Marine Biology
High Tech Centre
N-5024 Bergen, Norway
Tel: 4755584407100
Fax: 475584450
Email: [email protected]
Session Documents
CIFA:DM/LK/03/1 |
Provisional Agenda and Timetable |
CIFA:DM/LK/03/2 |
Status of Fisheries in the Zambian Sector of Lake Kariba |
CIFA:DM/LK/03/3 |
Status of Fisheries in the Zimbabwe Sector of Lake Kariba |
CIFA:DM/LK/03/4 |
Legislation, Restrictions, Monitoring Control and Surveillance in Zambia |
CIFA:DM/LK/03/5 |
Legislation, Restrictions, Monitoring, Control and Surveillance in Zimbabwe |
CIFA:DM/LK/03/6 |
An overview of Fisheries Management and Environmental Degradation |
For the attention of Governments
Current status of the fisheries of Lake Kariba national sectors
Short-term recommendations on status of stock
1. To compile and standardize historical data.
2. To continue the production of joint fishery statistical reports.
3. To assess the economics of the kapenta fishery.
4. To organize a JFTC Meeting /Workshop.
Fishery statistics and socio-economic data
To improve socio-economic data collection capacity in the longer term.
Extension/information dissemination
1. To strengthen the extension and information delivery services.
Fish processing and marketing
1. To strengthen and support the introduction of appropriate fish processing and storage techniques in the short-term.
2. To support village infrastructure development and to improve fish preservation and access to market outlets over the long-term.
Fisheries research use and needs
1. To update and standardize the old time series data and to enter the remaining data.
2. To review previous biological reference points and management regulations including MSY and optimal effort.
3. To determine the productivity level - or P/B ratio - of Limnothrissa miodon.
4. To assess the economics of the kapenta fishery and the inshore (artisanal) fishery.
5. To assess also the inshore stocks using multi-species and multi-gears methods.
Outstanding research activities
1. To strengthen the Joint Fisheries Technical Committee.
2. To strengthen the unified data collection and storage system.
3. To strengthen routine monitoring.
4. To enhance institutional research capacity.
5. To develop relevant research programmers to address outstanding management issues.
6. To disseminate results for public utilization.
Post-harvest processing and community support
1. To introduce and encourage appropriate innovative fish processing technologies;
2. To provide appropriate infrastructure in fishing villages as part of the social development programmers.
The role of women in Lake Kariba fisheries
1. To encourage and strengthen participation of women in the fishing industry.
Integrated environmental management programme of Lake Kariba
1. To identify, institute ad monitor regular integrated environmental management programmers.
Resource and credit assistance for fishers
1. To identify viable credit systems in fishing communities for the two riparian countries.
Fisheries Co-management
1. To review co-management processes around the Lake and to convene the Joint Fisheries Management Committee to be convened.
1. To sensitize the public, policy makers and decision makers and the politicians about the economic and nutritional importance of Lake Kariba as a source of animal fish protein as well as an asset for food security for both Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Any other matters
1. To take follow-up action on the various issues identified in this report and to implement the decisions and recommendations made.
For the attention of FAO
1. To assist in organizing a second technical consultation on Lake Kariba in 2004.