The seventh FAO Expert Consultation on Fish Technology in Africa was held in the framework of the Cooperative Research Programme on Fish Technology in Africa coordinated by the Fish Utilization and Marketing Service of FAO's Fishery Industries Division in collaboration with the FAO Regional Office for Africa. The Consultation was held to review progress and problems in post-harvest fish utilization in Africa and make recommendations to FAO, its member countries and all institutes, institutions and persons interested in fish utilization in Africa. The experts reviewed in particular fresh fish utilization, fish processing, quality assurance, and marketing and socio-economic issues. The review was done through presentation by the secretariat of a report on progress and events since the previous Consultation held in 1996, presentation of 20 papers, abstracts of 10 additional papers, and a field trip to fish landing and processing sites in Mbour and Joal. The report includes the recommendations as well as the papers that were available to the experts.