7. The Commission considered documents GFCM/XXIX/2005/2 Rev.1 "Headquarters of the Commission" and GFCM/XXIX/2005/Inf.11 "Information note on the procedures for the determination of the headquarters of the Commission and the selection of the Executive Secretary". The Commission noted that it was required to determine the seat of the Commission under Article II, paragraph 11 of the GFCM Agreement. This provision was part of the set of amendments approved in 1997 which came into force upon approval by the FAO Council, and, therefore, all Members of the Commission would participate in the decision. The Commission further noted that, at its Extraordinary Session, held in Saint Julians, Malta, 19-23 July 2004, it had been decided that all applications by Members interested in hosting the Secretariat, including information on the basis of the criteria for the selection of the headquarters of the Commission as agreed at that time, should be submitted to FAO before 30 September 2004 and that such applications were to be circulated by FAO to the Members as soon as possible thereafter.
8. The Commission noted that FAO had received applications from Italy (for the headquarters to be based in Rome), Malta (for the headquarters to be based in Fort Saint Thomas) and Spain (for the headquarters to be based in Malaga) and that, as foreseen by the approved procedure, such applications had been circulated to all GFCM Members.
9. Each of the candidates presented their proposals for hosting the headquarters of the Commission.
10. The Commission held a secret ballot. On the basis of its result, the Commission decided, under Article II, paragraph 11 of the GFCM Agreement that the seat of the Commission was in Rome, Italy.