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Strengthening selected subsidiary bodies of SAC

54. The Commission agreed to formalize the SAC Coordination Meeting of the Sub-Committee (CMSC), as a subsidiary body of the Committee. It this respect, the Commission endorsed the proposed mandate and composition of the CMSC and approved the terms of reference prepared for the Coordinators of the Sub-Committees, as reproduced in Appendix E.

55. The Commission also favoured the strengthening of the mandate of the Joint GFCM/ICCAT Working Group on Large pelagic. The Commission reviewed the draft term of reference attached in document GFCM/XXIX/2005/8. It requested the GFCM Chairperson to officially convey this proposal to the ICCAT for its consideration and possible endorsement, prior to adopting them formally.

Procedure for the selection of the Deputy Executive Secretary

56. The Commission considered the issue of the selection and appointment of the Deputy Executive Secretary to which the established procedures for the selection of FAO field project personnel apply. These involve the assessment of the applications by a field selection panel chaired by the Assistant Director-General, Fisheries Department, and two other senior officials of the Organization, which would make a submission to the Director-General for appointment. For the purpose of the selection of the Deputy Executive Secretary, the panel would include, among its members, the Chairpersons of the Commission, the Committee on Aquaculture and the Scientific Advisory Committee, as well as the Executive Secretary. The panel may hold interviews if deemed necessary or useful. The project selection panel will take into particular account the supervisory role and opinion of the Executive Secretary in the process of formulation of the submission.

57. The Commission expressed the wish that consideration be given to the issue of the geographical distribution of Officers, during the process of selecting the Deputy Executive Secretary.

58. The Commission agreed on the qualifications and terms of reference for the Deputy Executive Secretary subject to adjustments which might be required to take into account relevant standards of classification of posts established by the International Civil Service Commission. These terms of reference are set out in Appendix F.

59. The Commission noted that the issuance of the Vacancy Announcement and the selection process would be carried out by FAO as soon as possible, on the understanding however that the contract will be established only upon receipt of the necessary funds in the autonomous budget of the Commission.

Review of selected provisions of the Rules of Procedures

60. The Commission endorsed the proposal put forward by the Secretariat that a comprehensive document, containing suggestions for revising the GFCM Rules of Procedure, be prepared for consideration at the next session.

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