Reference |
Title |
Origin |
4. |
Strengthening official food safety control services |
CRD 09 |
Assembling effective food safety system - the official strengthening of food safety control services |
Brésil |
CRD 10 |
Sécurité sanitaire des produits alimentaires au Sénégal |
Sénégal |
CRD 35 |
A generic risk management framework for administration of food safety in New Zealand |
Nouvelle-Zélande |
CRD 42 |
Institutional Reforms of the Canadian Food Safety System |
Canada |
CRD 42 |
Réformes institutionnelles du régime canadien de salubrité des aliments |
Canada |
CRD 70 |
Strengthening official food safety control services |
États-Unis |
CRD 70 |
États-Unis |
CRD 70 |
États-Unis |
CRD 70 |
Renforcer les services officiels de contrôle de la sûreté alimentaire |
États-Unis |
CRD 70 |
Укрепление официальных служб по контролю за безопасностью продуктов питания |
États-Unis |
CRD 70 |
El fortalecimiento de los servicios oficiales de control de la inocuidad de los alimentos |
États-Unis |
CRD 84 |
Food safety strategies in Europe: promoting a new approach to food control in the region |
4.1 |
Defining the tasks and responsibilities of different stakeholders in the framework of a national strategy |
CRD 04 |
Renforcement du système national de contrôle de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments |
Maroc |
CRD 05 |
Enhancement of management of the official control system of food safety programme in Iraq |
Iraq |
CRD 05 |
Iraq |
CRD 07 |
Mise en place d'un système national de contrôle de la qualité des aliments |
Madagascar |
CRD 11 |
Recent developments in Consumer participation in food safety decision making at national, regional and global levels |
Consumers International |
CRD 12 |
Participación del movimiento de consumidores de América Latina yel Caribe en la Comisión Panamericana de Inocuidad de Alimentos |
Consumers International |
CRD 16 |
Defining the responsibilities and tasks of different stakeholders within the framework of a national strategy |
Philippines |
CRD 23 |
Building consensus on food safety programmes among consumers and public health organizations |
CRD 24 |
Enhance the Monitoring System and Capability Construction to ensure the Food Safety |
Chine |
CRD 24 |
Chine |
CRD 25 |
Reforming the food safety administration in Norway |
Norvège |
CRD 32 |
Developing and maintaining food safety control systems for Africa - current status and propects for change |
CRD 37 |
Regulatory roles responsibilities and structures - issues for the future New Zealand food regulatory regime |
Nouvelle-Zélande |
CRD 40 |
Reorganization of consumer health protection and food safety in Allemagne |
Allemagne |
CRD 43 |
Defining the Responsibilities and Tasks of Different Stakeholders within the Framework of a National Strategy for Food Control |
Canada |
CRD 43 |
Définition des responsabilités et des tâches des différents intervenants dans le cadre d'une stratégie nationale pour le contrôle des aliments |
Canada |
CRD 48 |
El control de los alimentos en el Uruguay |
Uruguay |
CRD 50 |
Food safety control services in Liberia |
Libéria |
CRD 54 |
Strengthening official food safety control services |
Thaïlande |
CRD 57 |
Food control and food safety system in Korea |
Corée |
CRD 61 |
Building a food safety system in Uganda |
Ouganda |
CRD 69 |
Farm-to table approach: the rôle of the ministry of agriculture and forestry in production of fresh agricultural products for consumption |
Soudan |
CRD 71 |
Defining responsibilities and tasks of different stakeholders in the framework of a national strategy |
États-Unis |
CRD 71 |
États-Unis |
CRD 71 |
États-Unis |
CRD 71 |
Définir les responsabilités et les tâches des différentes parties concernées dans le cadre d'une stratégie nationale |
États-Unis |
CRD 71 |
Определение ответственности и задач, стоящих перед разными заинтересованными сторонами, в рамках национальной стратегии |
États-Unis |
CRD 71 |
Definición de las responsabilidades y las tareas de distintas partes interesadas, en el marco de una estrategia nacional |
États-Unis |
CRD 79 |
Strengthening the official food safety control system in Romania |
Roumanie |
CRD 80 |
Strengthening official food safety control services |
Malaisie |
CRD 89 |
Strengthening official food safety control services |
Bangladesh |
CRD 90 |
Introducing Food Security Council in Indonesia |
Indonésie |
CRD 91 |
Indonesia integrated food safety system |
Indonésie |
CRD 95 |
Strengthening official food safety control services in Japan |
Japon |
4.2 |
Legal basis for food safety official and non-official control |
CRD 15 |
National food safety legislation should explicitly recognize and provide for discussion of ethical and value aspects of food safety decisions |
Consumers International |
CRD 17 |
Legal basis for food safety official and non official control |
Philippines |
CRD 26 |
Application of farm-to-table official and non official food safety control in Thailand: a case study on fresh produce |
Thaïlande |
CRD 31 |
Regulation on Food and Feed Control |
Commission européenne |
CRD 31 |
Règlement sur le contrôle des denrées alimentaires et des aliments pour animaux |
Commission européenne |
CRD 31 |
Reglamento sobre los controles de piensos y alimentos |
Commission européenne |
CRD 41 |
Official food control and legal foundation in Germany |
Allemagne |
CRD 44 |
Canadian Approach to a More Responsive Food Safety Control System |
Canada |
CRD 44 |
Approche canadienne d'un système de contrôle de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments plus sensible |
Canada |
CRD 49 |
The hygiene proficiency examination system in Finland |
Finlande |
CRD 51 |
Indonesia's national strategy on strengthening food safety control for fresh agricultural products |
Indonésie |
CRD 55 |
ILSI Southeast Asian Region assists in harmonizing food safety standards in ASEAN |
CRD 72 |
Legal basis for food safety official and non official control |
États-Unis |
CRD 72 |
États-Unis |
CRD 72 |
États-Unis |
CRD 72 |
Fondement juridique aux fins de contrôle officiel et officieux de la sûreté alimentaire |
États-Unis |
CRD 72 |
Правовая основа официального и неофициального контроля за безопасностью продуктов питания |
États-Unis |
CRD 72 |
Base jurídica del control oficial y extra oficial de la inocuidad de los alimentos |
États-Unis |
4.3 |
Training of staff of official food safety control services |
CRD 18 |
Training of staff of official food safety control services |
Philippines |
CRD 30 |
European Union Training Centre on Food Safety |
Commission européenne |
CRD 30 |
Centre de formation de l'Union européenne sur la sécurité alimentaire |
Commission européenne |
CRD 30 |
Centro de formación de la Unión Europea en seguridad alimentaria |
Commission européenne |
CRD 59 |
The training of personnel of food safety control services in France |
France |
CRD 59 |
La formation des agents de contrôle de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments en France |
France |
CRD 73 |
Training of staff of official food safety control services |
États-Unis |
CRD 73 |
États-Unis |
CRD 73 |
États-Unis |
CRD 73 |
Formation des effectifs dans les services de tutelle chargés du contrôle de la sûreté alimentaire |
États-Unis |
CRD 73 |
Подготовка персонала официальных служб по контролю за безопасностью продуктов питания |
États-Unis |
CRD 73 |
El fortalecimiento de los servicios oficiales de control de la inocuidad de los alimentos |
États-Unis |
CRD 88 |
Training of staff for official food safety control services |
Thaïlande |
4.4 |
How official services foster and enforce the implementation of HACCP by industry and trade |
CRD 36 |
Proposed food control plans as the tool of choice in the New Zealand food regulatory regime |
Nouvelle-Zélande |
CRD 45 |
How Official Services Foster and Enforce the Implementation of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Methodology by Industry and Trade |
Canada |
CRD 45 |
Soutien des services officiels à l'application du système HACCP par les secteurs industriel et commercial |
Canada |
CRD 74 |
How official services foster and enforce the implementation of HACCP methodology by industry and trade |
États-Unis |
CRD 74 |
États-Unis |
CRD 74 |
États-Unis |
CRD 74 |
De la manière dont les services de tutelle encouragent et contrôlent l'application des HACCP par les producteurs et les négociants |
États-Unis |
CRD 74 |
Работа официальных служб по содействию и обеспечению внедрения HACCP в промышленности и торговле |
États-Unis |
CRD 74 |
Cómo los servicios oficiales promueven los HACCP e imponen su aplicación a la industria y al comercio |
États-Unis |
CRD 86 |
El fortalecimiento del sistema mexicano de protección contra riesgos a la salud |
Mexique |
4.5 |
Import/export control and certification |
CRD 02 |
Risk management approach - Imported food control - a success story |
Jordanie |
CRD 19 |
Food import/export control and certification |
Philippines |
CRD 28 |
Importation of Foodstuffs into the European Union |
Commission européenne |
CRD 28 |
Importation des denrées alimentaires dans l'Union Européenne |
Commission européenne |
CRD 28 |
Importación de productos alimenticios en la Unión Europea |
Commission européenne |
CRD 38 |
E-Cert - Value for the regulator |
Nouvelle-Zélande |
CRD 60 |
Import/export control and certification in Myanmar |
Myanmar |
CRD 87 |
Food import/export control and certification |
Thaïlande |
CRD 92 |
Decision on the Implementation of Article 4 of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures |
CRD 92 |
Décision sur la mise en oeuvre de l'article 4 de l'Accord sur l'application des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires |
CRD 92 |
Decisión sobre la aplicación del artículo 4 del acuerdo sobre la aplicación de medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias |
5. |
Epidemio-surveillance of food-borne diseases and food safety rapid alert systems |
CRD 62 |
Epidemio-surveillance of foodborne diseases and food safety rapid alert systems |
Thaïlande |
CRD 75 |
Epidemio-surveillance of foodborne diseases and food safety rapid alert systems |
États-Unis |
CRD 75 |
États-Unis |
CRD 75 |
États-Unis |
CRD 75 |
Surveillance épidémiologique des maladies à vecteur alimentaire et systèmes d'alerte rapide aux fins de sûreté alimentaire |
États-Unis |
CRD 75 |
Эпидемиологический надзор за передаваемыми с пищей заболеваниями, а также системы оперативного предупреждения в сфере безопасности продуктов питания |
États-Unis |
CRD 75 |
La vigilancia epidemiológica de las enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos y los sistemas de alerta rápida en la inocuidad de los alimentos |
États-Unis |
5.1 |
Food contamination monitoring and food-borne disease surveillance at national level |
CRD 06 |
Enhancing surveillance of food borne diseases in Australia |
Australie |
CRD 20 |
Food contamination monitoring anf food borne disease surveillance at national level |
Philippines |
CRD 27 |
Epidemio-surveillance of food borne diseases and food safety rapid alert systems |
Chine |
CRD 39 |
New Zealand total diet survey |
Nouvelle-Zélande |
CRD 46 |
Health Canada Food Safety Program: Surveillance Strategies |
Canada |
CRD 46 |
Programme de sécurité sanitaire des aliments du Canada: Stratégies de surveillance |
Canada |
CRD 58 |
Food borne disease surveillance system in Korea |
Corée |
CRD 63 |
Food contamination monitoring and food borne disease surveillance at national level |
Thaïlande |
CRD 76 |
Food contamination monitoring and food borne disease surveillance at national level |
États-Unis |
CRD 76 |
États-Unis |
CRD 76 |
États-Unis |
CRD 76 |
Surveillance de la contamination alimentaire et veille à l'échelon national sur les maladies transmises par la nourriture |
États-Unis |
CRD 76 |
Мониторинг заражения продуктов питания и надзор за передающимися с пищей заболеваниями на национальном уровне |
États-Unis |
CRD 76 |
Vigilancia de la contaminación de los alimentos y seguimiento de las enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos en el ámbito nacional |
États-Unis |
CRD 81 |
Food borne disease surveillance at the national level: a Malaysian perspective |
Malaisie |
CRD 82 |
Notification of zoonotic diseases/infections in human, animals, food and feed |
Suède |
CRD 83 |
Salmonellosis |
Suède |
CRD 96 |
Food-borne disease surveillance in Japan |
Japon |
5.2 |
International cooperation on food contamination monitoring and food-borne disease surveillance |
CRD 08 |
Emerging chemical and microbiological issues - Importance of surveillance and international cooperation and information sharing |
Australie |
CRD 29 |
Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) in the European Union and its possible Worldwide Extension |
Commission européenne |
CRD 29 |
Le système d'alerte rapide pour les denrées alimentaires et les aliments pour animaux (RASFF) dans l'Union européenne et son éventuelle extension au monde entier |
Commission européenne |
CRD 29 |
Sistema de alerta rápida para alimentos y piensos (RASFF) en la Unión Europea y su posible ampliación a escala mundial |
Commission européenne |
CRD 33 |
Activities of the WHO global Salm-Surv: Asian regional center |
CRD 56 |
WHO global Salm-Surv: a worldwide capacity building programme for the surveillance of Salmonella and other food borne pathogens |
CRD 64 |
International cooperation on food contamination monitoring and food borne disease surveillance |
Thaïlande |
CRD 66 |
International cooperation on food contamination monitoring and food borne disease surveillance. - A case study in the AMRO Region |
CRD 66 |
Cooperación internacional para el monitoreo de la contaminación de alimentos y la vigilancia de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos - Estudio de caso en la Región AMOR |
CRD 67 |
Inauguration of the International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) |
CRD 85 |
Role of OMS surveillance programme for control of food borne infections and intoxications in Europe |
5.3 |
Dealing with emerging risks related to the environment and new technologies |
CRD 13 |
Consumer organization experiences with GM Foods in some countries in Africa |
Consumers International |
CRD 14 |
National capacity elements required to ensure the safety of GMOs and GM Foods |
Consumers International |
CRD 22 |
Activities of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of nuclear techniques in food and agriculture related to food safety |
CRD 34 |
Preparedness for nuclear emergencies affecting agriculture |
CRD 52 |
La sécurité sanitaire des aliments |
Mauritanie |
CRD 53 |
Le contrôle phytosanitaire en Mauritanie |
Mauritanie |
CRD 77 |
Dealing with emerging risks related to the environment and new techologies |
États-Unis |
CRD 77 |
États-Unis |
CRD 77 |
États-Unis |
CRD 77 |
Pallier les risques émergents dans le domaine de l'environnement et des technologies nouvelles |
États-Unis |
CRD 77 |
Борьба с новыми факторами риска, относящимися к окружающей среде и новым технологиям |
États-Unis |
CRD 77 |
Cómo hacer frente a los riesgos emergentes sobre el medio ambiente y las nuevas tecnologías |
États-Unis |
5.4 |
Prevention and response to intentional contamination |
CRD 21 |
Prevention and response to intentional contamination |
Philippines |
CRD 47 |
Prevention and response to intentional contamination |
Canada |
CRD 47 |
Prévention et réaction en cas de contamination intentionnelle |
Canada |
CRD 65 |
Prevention and response to intentional contamination |
Thaïlande |
CRD 78 |
Prevention and response to intentional contamination |
États-Unis |
CRD 78 |
États-Unis |
CRD 78 |
États-Unis |
CRD 78 |
Prévention et intervention en cas de contamination intentionnelle |
États-Unis |
CRD 78 |
Предотвращение преднамеренного заражения и реагирование на него |
États-Unis |
CRD 78 |
Prevención y respuesta a la contaminación deliberada |
États-Unis |
Other related issues |
CRD 03 |
Le Portail international pour la sécurité sanitaire des aliments et la santé des animaux et des plantes (IPFSAPH) |
FA0 |
CRD 68 |
European research in food safety |
Commission européenne |
CRD 93 |
The Five Keys for Safe Food: OMS's community food safety activities |
CRD 94 |
Standards and Trade Development Facility |