(Dinesh Karki 1997, unpublished)
What is FORTIP?
FORTIP is the abbreviated title of the UNDP/FAO Regional Project on “Improved Productivity of Man-Made Forests through Application of Technological Advances in Tree Breeding and Propagation”. It is one of the leading UNDP/FAO supported forestry programmes in the Asia and Pacific region aimed at improving forest productivity through genetic enhancement of forest trees.
Tree improvement programme and FORTIP’s support to Nepal
The first meeting of Tree Improvement Programme was held at DFRS in 1992. Together with the FORTIP representative Mr N.Q. Zabala, many forestry professionals from different departments attended the meeting. The meeting listed ten important forest tree species in Nepal for tree breeding and propagation research (for results, see Table 6).
As regards the aspects of national tree breeding and propagation, TISC and the DFRS discussed and agreed on the activities that each agency would undertake. The main goal of this meeting/discussion was to avoid duplication of work and reinforce each other’s efforts. On that basis, the DFRS had a mandate to conduct tree breeding and propagation activity on four species (Alnus nepalensis, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Artocarpus lakoocha and Pinus roxburghii).
In addition, the DFRS has initiated the establishment of a potted seed orchard for D. sissoo and Eucalyptus camaldulensis from juvenile cuttings. The construction of a greenhouse at Butwal was initiated in 1995 with financial support from FORTIP. This was a three-year cooperation between the DFRS and FORTIP, which provided financial and technical assistance. However, the DFRS did not receive further financial support from FORTIP after one year, as a result, construction of the greenhouse at Butwal has been halted.
With the existing greenhouse facilities, basic research such as germination and propagation tests are conducted. However, for the establishment of a potted seed orchard it would be necessary to construct and improve the conditions of this greenhouse. Basic requirements of the Butwal greenhouse at present are glass covering all around the greenhouse and arrangement and maintenance of a water supply system. Another important need is the establishment of a humidity and temperature control system.