Around half of the Scania city buses sold in Sweden today run on ethanol. The use of ethanol as a motor fuel does not necessitate extensive modifications of the vehicles and the combustion technology is the same as with diesel fuel.
The ethanol-fuelled buses in Sweden are mainly used for inner city traffic, where the environmental gains are most noticeable. Measurements carried out by Stockholm City Transport show that emissions of nitrogen oxides are cut by 50 percent and of particulates by 73 percent compared with conventional diesel buses. In contrast to diesel fuel, ethanol is a renewable fuel, which strongly reduces the contribution to the greenhouse effect.
Scania is now preparing to launch ethanol-fuelled buses in Brazil, the world's largest market for ethanol fuel. (Source: Scania press release.)
For more information, please
visit Scania's Web site:
[Please see also the Country Compass section under Brazil.]
Large-scale experimental work has shown that ethanol is an excellent alternative to fossil fuel. In Sweden there are about 34 municipal power plants with an annual capacity of 5 TWhe and 15 TWhw. By combining these power plants with ethanol production facilities, high-efficiency bioenergy combinates are created. These plants produce electric power for industry and households, heat or pellets for the community and apartment buildings and, finally, ethanol for bus fleets, lorries and cars.
The motor fuel of the future is built on renewable raw material and ecological balance. |
Sweden's vision is to substitute 15 percent of the fossil fuels in the transport sector by 2010. This has not yet been approved by the government, but is a recommendation from a governmental committee. Based on a 15 percent replacement of fossil fuels with ethanol, about 25 plants will be built.
For more information, please contact:
Bioalcohol Fuel Foundation, Box 826, S-89118 Ornskoldsvik, Sweden.
Fax: +46 660 54903;
e-mail: [email protected]
The Swedish Climate Change Programme (SWCC) is aimed at countries around the Baltic Sea with the objective of reducing the environmental impact of energy systems in the countries around the Baltic. The programme is concentrating on moving away from the use of fossil fuels to biofuels, more effective district heating distribution and a general improvement in the efficiency of energy use in residential buildings. Projects are financed by loans on favourable terms, assisted by some subsidy of the cost of consultancy services. The work has so far resulted in an annual reduction of about 350 000 tonnes in carbon dioxide emissions, equivalent to about 0.6 percent of Sweden's total carbon dioxide emissions.
In October 1999, the Programme for an Environmentally Adapted Energy System (EAES) was awarded the World Climate Technology Prize by the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI). CTI is an international initiative, aimed at accelerating the development of technology for reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants, that is being operated by 23 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member states and the International Energy Agency (IEA).
The Swedish Programme for an Environmentally Adapted Energy System in the Baltic Region and Eastern Europe (EAES) is the Swedish contribution to the Pilot Phase of Activities Implemented Jointly within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
EAES promotes:
· the reduction of emissions harmful to the climate and
the environment;
· ecologically sustainable development in the energy
· economic development and business cooperation;
· creation of a
widespread network; and
· institutional development.
EAES activities cover:
· increased use of
renewable fuels;
· efficient energy distribution systems;
· improved
efficiency in end-user installations and buildings;
· introduction of new
energy technology; and
· institutional cooperation (forms part of all
projects but can also be the focus of individual projects).
(based on individual baseline calculations for each project)
Estonia |
Latvia |
Lithuania |
Russian Federation |
Poland |
Emission reduction (tonnes/year) |
SO2 |
1 320 |
930 |
900 |
370 |
0 |
3 520 |
CO2 |
100 260 |
85 875 |
62 750 |
34 915 |
2 200 |
286 000 |
NOx |
47 |
54 |
49 |
40 |
0 |
190 |
Number of projects |
21 |
22 |
9 |
13 |
1 |
66 |
Investment (US$ million) |
10.94 |
9.27 |
6.21 |
6.66 |
0.33 |
33.41 |
During the period 1993-1999, the estimated reduction of CO2 was 286 000 tonnes/year (based on baseline calculations). Total CO2 reduction accumulated over the lifetime of the projects is estimated to be 4 908 400 tonnes at a cost of US$6.5/tonne.
For more information, please contact:
Ms Gudrun Knutsson, Energimyndigheten, Box 310, SE-631 04 Eskilstuna, Sweden.
Fax: +46 (0)16 544 2099;
e-mail: [email protected] ;
The Swedish National Energy Administration is Sweden's national authority on issues regarding the supply and use of energy. It was established on 1 January 1998 and has an annual turnover of SKr 1 billion.
The Administration's main task is to promote a safe, efficient and environmentally sustainable supply and use of energy. It does so by supporting research on renewable energy sources and technology procurement of energy-efficient products and by providing investment support for the development of renewable energy. It also has a supervisory function as the monitoring authority of the recently deregulated electricity market. The Department for Structural and Market Analysis provides analyses of the linkages between energy, the environment and economic growth.
For more information, please contact:
Energimyndigheten, Box 310, SE-631 04 Eskilstuna, Sweden.
Fax: +46 (0)16 544 2099.
IBEX reEnergy, the first international buyers' exhibition on renewable energy, is being organized in Sollefteä, Sweden, from 11 to 14 June 2001, by the Swedish company Energidalen i Sollefteå AB, with support from regional and national authorities in Sweden (among which the Swedish National Energy Administration), together with the European Commission.
The event will be a unique opportunity to explore new technology and system solutions in renewable energy, including biomass energy, solar- and windpower and other innovative sources of renewable energy.
Linked to the meeting will be the following three different technology seminars and study visits to plants in the region:
· Liquid biofuels - highlighting bioalcohol production from cellulose and waste fibre, applicability of bioalcohol fuels for cars and diesel vehicles. A visit to Örnsköldsvik to study the production and application of bioalcohol.
· Agrofuels and development trends - development of biofuels, energy forests and agriculture fuels for Swedish energy production in Umeä.
· Solid biofuel technologies - the symposium will take place in Sollefteä and will include the introduction and demonstration of a new small-scale cogeneration system; small-scale pellet burners and pellet stoves; a new small-scale, mobile pellet production system; and a study visit to a large-scale production plant.
For more information, please contact:
Mr Lars-Erik Persson, Energidalen i Sollefteå AB, Energihuset, Nipan, S-881 52 Sollefteå, Sweden.
Fax: +46 (0)620 68 27 71;
e-mail: [email protected] ;;