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6. The Agenda for the Workshop is attached as Appendix A and the list of documents is attached as Appendix C.

7. Mr Vaughn A. Charles, Chief Fisheries Officer, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Saint Lucia and Mr Terrence Phillips, Programme Manager, Fisheries Management and Development, CRFM - CARICOM Regional Fisheries Mechanisms, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, were appointed as the Workshop Representatives.

8. Mr David Doulman, Senior Fishery Liaison Officer, FAO Fisheries Department, Rome, Italy, provided an overview of the technical issues to be addressed in the Workshop. He stated that the objective of the Workshop was to enhance national capacity so that countries would be better placed to elaborate their NPOAs-IUU. He outlined the contents of the Workshop in terms of the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the development of the IPOA-IUU, national action towards implementation and related matters; basic planning concepts, presentation of the IPOA-IUU; consideration of the technical guideline on IUU fishing; national plans of action case study; review of national and regional plans of action already developed, the formation of Working Groups to address making responsible decisions about IUU fishing, and skills development through the preparation of an outline for a NPOA-IUU.

9. With respect to the outcome of the Workshop, Mr Doulman indicated that it should lead to an increased awareness about the problems and effects of IUU fishing and the need for countries to take concerted action to combat it and a clearer definition of the steps that countries should take to develop their NPOAs-IUU. He noted that the Workshop should facilitate a greater sharing of experiences about IUU fishing by participants and a greater appreciation of the need for enhanced regional harmonization of measures to combat IUU fishing in the Caribbean subregion.

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