63. The Workshop agreed that the following actions, not prioritized, would be required by States, regional fishery bodies (RFBs) and FAO to facilitate the elaboration and implementation of NPOAs-IUU in the Caribbean subregion.
64. Actions to be undertaken by States:
To update fisheries laws and regulations and where possible to harmonize them across the subregion
To consult with stakeholders
To review and strengthen data collection and licensing systems
To reinforce MCS and enforcement
To promote public awareness on IUU fishing issues
To initiate or continue dialogue with neighbouring countries on matters concerning IUU fishing
To strengthen national registration systems for vessels
To prepare a NPOA-IUU
To increase capacity within fisheries administration to undertake IUU fishing related tasks
To form and support a RFMO
To strengthen the capacity of existing RFBs
65. Action by RFBs:
To lead coordinated subregional/regional activities and actions against IUU fishing
To assist in MCS
To develop a common harmonized registration system for fishing vessels
To establish link with other RFBs and other international organization in efforts to combat IUU fishing
To provide a forum for a dialogue among members
66. Action by FAO:
To inform Governments in the Caribbean subregion about the results of this Workshop
To assist countries review and update fisheries legislation
To assist countries with the preparation, implementation and evaluation of their IPOAs-IUU
To provide technical assistance to establish a RFMO