Research Study
Livestock Industrialization, Trade and Social Health Environment Impacts in India: Issues in the Poultry Sector
A Survey of Poultry (Broiler-Independent) Farm Questionnaire
Research Study
Livestock Industrialization, Trade and Social Health Environment Impacts in India: Issues in the Poultry Sector
Broiler (Independent) Farm Questionnaire: Haryana/Punjab
S.P.I., Ahmedabad
1. Year of establishment _________
2. Type of ownership: |
[ ] Proprietary |
[ ] Partnership |
3. Type of unit: |
[ ] Deep Litter |
[ ] Cage |
4. Location: |
[ ] Rural |
[ ] Urban |
5. No. of households within: 250-meter radius______ 500-meter radius______
7. Number of Birds (broiler or layer) and Change in the type of activity over a period(at regular interval, say 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002)
Year |
Type |
Reasons for change (If any) |
Broiler |
Layer |
Initial (first Year of Production): |
8. Location particulars
Item |
Name |
Distance (Km) |
1. Closest town |
2. Sources of feed |
3. Main market of output |
4. Nearest Canal/River/Tank |
5. Nearest Residential/settlement |
community/Village/Town |
6. Distance of the farm from the highway |
7. Type of road to highway |
9. No. of poultry farms and birds (broiler and layer) within 1 km and 2 km radius, respectively
Item |
One kilometer |
Two kilometers |
No. of Poultry farms |
No. of birds |
Broiler |
Layer |
B. Access to Infrastructure Facilities
1. Is the farm connected to the municipal water supply? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
2. If YES, is the water sufficient for farm operations? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
3. If not sufficient, source of additional water:
[ ] Well |
[ ] Tube well |
[ ] Canal/River |
[ ] Others |
4. If municipal water is not available, how do you get your water?
[ ] Well |
[ ] Tube well |
[ ] Others |
5. What is your monthly expenditures for water? Rs.________
6. What is your monthly electricity expenditure? Rs.________
7. Is the farm provided with telephone (including mobile)? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
8. If yes, monthly phone expenditure Rs. _________
Age of broiler (weeks*) |
No. of birds (boilers) |
* Categories can be 1 Day 2 weeks/chicks, 3-4 weeks (Grower), and 5 and above (Broiler)
1. Breeds chosen 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. ____________
Item |
No. |
Size/Capacity Description |
Year of Acquisition |
Present Market Price |
A. Land (acres)1 |
B. Building1 |
Brooder house |
Grower house |
Broiler house |
Worker s quarters |
Office |
Others (specify) |
C. Equipment |
Feed milling/mixing |
Feeding set/Feeder |
Watering set/Drinker |
Cleaning set (Flame Gun,etc.) |
Health care set |
Cages |
Brooders (Gas) |
Disinfecting Equipment |
Computer |
Heating System/Heaters |
Vehicles |
Fans/Coolers |
Others (specify) |
1. |
2. |
D. Waste Treatment |
Manure storage sheds/Wells |
Manure treatment and spreading equipment |
Construction for dead bird (broiler) disposal if any |
Equipment for dead bird(Broiler) disposal (if any) |
Equipment for dead (Broiler) bird disposal, e.g. Broiler |
Others (specify) |
· If land and buildings are rented, specify rent per annum Rs. ____________
IV (A) Production and Sale of Broilers during Nov 2001 to Oct 2002
Batch No. |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
9th |
Month (Date) of sale |
Broilers produced (No.) |
Home consumption (No.) |
Sold (No.) |
Average weight |
Sale price (Kg.) |
Output of Manure produced (kgs) |
Used on own field |
Gifted |
Sold |
Sale price Rs./kg |
If not sold, nearby price |
Empty bags, tins sold (Rs.) |
Others |
Purchase price of DOC |
B. Mortality and disposal of dead birds (Broilers) during last one year (Nov. 2001 to Oct. 2002)
Stage |
Number |
Cause of death |
Mode of disposal |
Location of disposal |
Chick (1-2 weeks) |
Grower (3-4 weeks) |
Broiler (5 & above weeks) |
Mode of disposal: Codes: Buried - 1 Incinerated - 2 Others - 3
Location of disposal: Codes: Own land - 1 Public land - 2 Others - 3
V (A) Cost of inputs for the latest completed batch
a. Date (Month and week) of starting: ____________________
b. Month and week of completion of latest batch: ___________________
c. Gap between start of latest batch and completion of earlier batch (days):
d. Labour time used for cleaning sheds between latest batch and completion of earlier batch ____________hrs.
e. Cost of disinfecting at inception/start/beginning of batch: Rs.
f. Cost of Litter (flooring material): ______________________
g. No. of chicks purchased: _____________________________
h. Price per chick (Rs.):_____________________________
i. Did you get credit for purchase of chicks |
[ ] Yes, |
[ ] No |
If YES from where: _____________________________________
j. If YES, (a) How much more you paid if any: __________________
i. what is the percentage increase in price of chick ____________%
k. Do you purchase readymade feed or own Mixing:
[ ] Readymade |
[ ] Mix |
(a) If purchased readymade, Give the following particulars one kg of feed Prices during Nov. 2001 to Oct. 2002
S. No. |
Purchased Readymade (compound) feed |
Month |
Quantity (K.gms.) |
Price per Kg |
From |
To |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
(b) If own MIXING, Give the following particulars for producing one kg of feed Prices of feed components during Nov. 2001 to Oct. 2002
S. No. |
Commodities like Maize, Soybeans, etc. |
Month |
Quantity |
Price per Kg |
From |
To |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
m. Did you get feed on credit |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
n. If YES, for how many days credit is provided
o. Is there increase in price for credit purchase |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
p. If YES, (a) How much more you paid _____________
(b) What is the percentage increase in price ____________%
q. Is feed delivered at the farm? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
r. Distance traveled to get feed (km) ______
s. Monthly salary of regular workers: Male Rs. _____ female Rs. _____
t. Daily wage rate of casual workers: Male Rs. _____ female Rs. _____
B. Other Costs per annum
i. Is accommodation provided for labour? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
ii. If accommodation is provided, rental value per worker Rs._________
iii. Number of non-production (official, clerks..) regular workers: Males ____ Females ____
iv. Salary of non-production regular workers per month: Males ____ Females ____
v. Transport cost for feed (Rs.) ________
vi. Transport cost for other inputs (Rs.) _________
vii. Others (including expenditure on pet animals like dogs)
C. Taxes and other payments for complete year
1. Taxes paid (specify) ____________Amount Rs.________
2. Insurance Rs.___________
3. Others (specify) __________________ Amount Rs. ________
i. Do you face any complaints relating to poultry farming by public/Neighbors:
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
ii. If YES, give the nature of complaint: (a) Odour (b) Flies (c) Other (specify)
iii. If YES, give the method of complaint:
(a) Oral representation to poultry farmer
(b) Written representation to civic authority
(c) Court matter
iv. A. How is Broiler Waste Used?
Manure/Raw Material for Manure [ ] Yes [ ] No: If YES, % Used: - Others (Specify):
B. Is there demand for manure? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
v. If yes, for which crops it is applied? _______________
vi. If it is used for other purposes, specify: _______________
vii. What is the best method of keeping the manure?
viii. Are you adopting it? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
ix. If YES, cost of adoption of the method ( per month) Rs._______
x. If you are not able to sell the manure, how do you dispose it?
1. dump on road 2. Thrown in River/Drained 3. Take to some distance from where it will be taken for manure, 4. Other (specify)
xi. If carried to some point, distance (km)________ and cost (Rs)__________
xii. Other expenditure per month to control odour and flies Rs.________
xiii. Are you spending on community to compensate for pollution? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
xiv. If Yes, amount spent per year Rs_______
xv. Cost of disposing dead bird per month: Labour time (hrs)____Other costs (Rs.) ______
i. Name of hatchery supplying chicks to you _____________________
ii.. What other inputs are supplied by hatchery free of cost:
1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. _________________
iii. Do you have any contract with other input supplier/s or output buyer?
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
iv. If YES, specify the agency:_________________________________________
v. Type of contract:
1. Input supply on credit 2. Input supply 3.Output purchase 4. Other(Specify).....
vi. What items are supplied? 1______________ Free or Priced:
2_______________ Free or Priced 3______________ Free or Priced
4______________ Free or Priced 5______________ Free or Priced
vii. If priced for how much duration credit is provided: _______(days)
viii. Is there increase in input price due to this arrangement of credit _________
ix. Is there reduction in output price due to this arrangement? _____________
x. Is the price of broiler determined initially: |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
xi. Do you face any problems in input supply? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
xii. If YES, in what aspect? Timeliness[ ] Yes [ ] No; Input quality; [ ] Yes[ ] No
Input price [ ] Yes [ ]; No; Others specify ________
xiii. Problems faced in the sale of output Timeliness of purchase [ ] Yes[ ] No
Rejection on quality grounds [ ] Yes[ ] No
Low price [ ] Yes [ ] No
Delay in payment [ ] Yes [ ] No
Others specify ___________________
A. Access to Finance
1.What is the approximate total amount you spent on fixed capital (Construction & Equipments)?
2. Give the particulars of sources of funds for the above investment
Source |
Amount |
Rate of interest |
Own funds |
Institutional loan |
Rural development programme |
Private loan |
Others (specify) |
3. Working capital needs and sources of funds
Purpose |
Amount |
Source |
Duration |
Rate of interest if borrowed % |
B. Access to other inputs
1. How many times did the following functionaries visit your farm during last one year?
a. Representative of pharmaceutical companies
b. Representatives of breeding companies
c. Extension personnel from Animal Husbandry Department
2. Distance from the farm to the hatchery to purchase day-old-chicks DoCs (Kms)..
3. Does any of your employees possess degree in veterinary sciences? [ ] Yes [ ] No
C. Access to output (broiler) market
4. Are you selling the product
(i) independently? [ ] Yes [ ] No; if YES.. per cent
(ii) contract [ ] Yes [ ] No; if YES.. per cent
(iii) Own used [ ] Yes [ ] No; if YES.. per cent
4. If YES, what is the distance from the point of sale?
D. Access to market information
1. Are you selling dressed birds (broiler)? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
2. If YES, are then any specifications for dressing: |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
3. If YES, give details.....................
4. If YES, Whether such facility is available? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
5. If you have no telephone, distance from nearest telephone Km.
6. Do you receive market information regularly? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
7. If YES, source of information: Radio/TV/Newspaper/Fax/As member of NECC/Other (specify)
8. Instances of major outbreaks of MAJOR DISEASES during last five years, If NO, Go to next Question
S.No |
Year |
Disease |
Population (Broiler) on farm |
% Died |
9. Rat (Rodents) proofing facilities available? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
10. Have you attended any seminar/workshop/training during last one year? Yes? No
11. If YES, give details.............
12. Are you adopting any measures for relieving summer/Winter stress? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
13. If YES, give particulars:
14. Percentage distribution of sales to different agencies (during last one year)
Agency |
Wholesale trader |
Retail trader |
Consumer |
Contractor |
Integrator |
% to total sale |
Price received |
Batch 1 |
Batch 2 |
Batch 3 |
Batch4 |
15. To how many customers do you sell the output? ________
16. Since how many years your oldest buyer has been buying broiler from you?
A. Decision Maker of the poultry farm
· Who is Decision Maker of the poultry farm:
[ ] Owner, [ ] Manager, Other(specify)..........
· Name of Decision Maker of the poultry farm(Optional):............
1. Characteristics:
1.1 Age: ___________
1.2 Gender:_______
1.3 Marital Status:____________
1.4 Highest Educational Attainment:___________________________
2. Is the poultry business his/her main occupation? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
3. If NO, what is his/her main occupation? ________________________
1. If YES, Is he/she engaged in another secondary occupation? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
5. (Optional) Share of poultry Farming in total income _______%
6. Has had formal poultry science education? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
7. Number of years on this Poultry farm:______________
8. Number of years of experience in poultry farming:_______________
9. No. of poultry business training programs attended in the last 2 years_______
10. No. of other agri-business training programs attended in the last 2 years _______
11. Are you a member of any community organization? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
12. If YES, organization___________________ Your designation_________________
13. Are you a member of any poultry organization? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
14. If YES, organization___________________ Your designation_________________
15. What is your monthly household expenditure _________
16. Extent of agricultural land owned (acres), if any: Irrigated _______ Dry ______
B. Other Household (HH) Members of the Decision Maker
1. How many other household members are there?____________
2. How many of them help in the running the poultry business? ___________
3. What activities in the business do they perform? __________________________
4. If any one of them has education in livestock, specify ____________________
5. Is the household head (or spouse) decision-maker of the poultry farm?
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
Research Study
Livestock Industrialization, Trade and Social - Health - Environment Impacts in India: Issues in the Poultry Sector
A Survey of Poultry (Layer) Farm Questionnaire
Research Study
Livestock Industrialization, Trade and Social - Health - Environment Impacts in India: Issues in the Poultry Sector
Layer Farm Questionnaire: Haryana/Punjab
S.P.I., Ahmedabad
1. Year of establishment _________
2. Type of ownership: |
[ ] Proprietary |
[ ] Partnership |
3. Type of unit: |
[ ] Deep Litter |
[ ] Cage |
4. Location: |
[ ] Rural |
[ ] Urban |
5. No. of households within: 250-meter radius______ 500-meter radius______
7. Number of Birds (broiler or layer) and Change in the type of activity over a period(at regular interval, say 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002)
Year |
Type |
Reasons for change |
Broiler |
Layer |
Initial (first Year of Production): |
8. Location particulars
Item |
Name |
Distance (Km) |
1. Closest town |
2. Sources of feed |
3. Main market of output |
4. Nearest Canal/River/Tank |
5. Nearest Residential/settlement |
community/Village/Town |
6. Distance of the farm from the highway |
7. Type of road to highway |
10. No. of poultry farms and birds (broiler and layer) within 1 km and 2 km radius, respectively
Item |
One kilometer |
Two kilometers |
No. of Poultry farms |
No. of birds |
Broiler |
Layer |
B. Access to Infrastructure Facilities
9. Is the farm connected to the municipal water supply? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
10. If YES, is the water sufficient for farm operations? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
11. If not sufficient, source of additional water:
[ ] Well |
[ ] Tube well |
[ ] Canal/River |
[ ] Others |
12. If municipal water is not available, how do you get your water?
[ ] Well |
[ ] Tube well |
[ ] Others |
13. What is your monthly expenditures for water? Rs.________
14. What is your monthly electricity expenditure? Rs.________
15. Is the farm provided with telephone (including mobile)? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
16. If yes, monthly phone expenditure Rs. _________
Age of Layer (weeks*) |
No. of birds (layers) |
* Categories can be 1 Day 8 weeks(chicks), 9-18 weeks (Grower), and 19 and above (Layer)
2. Breeds chosen 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. ____________
Item |
No. |
Size/Capacity Description |
Year of Acquisition |
Present Market Price |
A. Land (acres)1 |
B. Building1 |
Brooder house |
Grower house |
Layer house |
Worker s quarters |
Office |
Others (specify) |
C. Equipment |
Feed milling/mixing |
Feeding set/Feeder |
Watering set/Drinker |
Cleaning set (Flame Gun,etc.) |
Health care set |
Cages |
Brooders (Gas) |
Disinfecting Equipment |
Computer |
Heating System/Heaters |
Vehicles |
Fans/Coolers |
Others (specify) |
1. |
2. |
D. Waste Treatment |
Manure storage sheds/Wells |
Manure treatment and spreading equipment |
Construction for dead bird (Layer) disposal if any |
Equipment for dead bird (Layer) disposal (if any) |
Equipment for dead (Layer) bird disposal, e.g. Layer |
Others (specify) |
· If land and buildings are rented, specify rent per annum Rs. ____________
IV (A) Production and sale of eggs for the latest completed batch
Month |
No. of layers |
Eggs prod. |
Spoiled |
Eggs sold |
IV (B) Other revenues for the latest completed batch
Manure Prod. |
Manure Sold |
Sale/nearby area price |
Used on Farm |
Gifted |
Gunny bags, tins sold |
Birds culled |
Price |
C. Mortality and disposal of dead birds (Layer)during last one year (Nov. 2001 - Oct. 2002)
Stage |
Number |
Cause of death |
Mode of disposal |
Location of disposal |
Chick (1-8 weeks) |
Grower (9-18 weeks) |
Layer (19 & above weeks) |
Mode of disposal: Buried 1 Incinerated 2 Others - 3
Location of Disposal: Own land 1 Public land 2 Other-3
V (A) Cost of inputs for the latest completed batch
a. Date (Month and week) of starting: ____________________
b. Month and week of completion of latest batch: ___________________
c. Gap between start of latest batch and completion of earlier batch (days)
d. Labour time used for cleaning sheds between latest batch and completion of earlier batch ____________hrs.
e. Cost of disinfecting at inception/start/beginning of batch: Rs. ______________
f. Cost of Litter (flooring material): ______________________
g. No. of chicks purchased: _____________________________
h. Price per chick (Rs.):_____________________________
i. Did you get credit for purchase of chicks |
[ ] Yes, |
[ ] No |
If YES from where: _____________________________________
j. If YES, (a) How much more you paid if any: __________________
i. what is the percentage increase in price of chick ____________%
k. Do you purchase readymade feed or own Mixing:
[ ] Readymade |
[ ] Mix |
(a) If purchased readymade, Give the following particulars one kg of feed Prices during Nov. 2001 to Oct. 2002
S. No. |
Purchased Readymade (compound) feed |
Month |
Quantity (K.gms.) |
Price per Kg |
From |
To |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
(b) If own MIXING, Give the following particulars for producing one kg of feed Prices of feed components during Nov. 2001 to Oct. 2002
S. No. |
Commodities like Maize, Soybeans, etc. |
Month |
Quantity (K.gms.) |
Price per Kg |
From |
To |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
m. Did you get feed on credit |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
n. If YES, for how many days credit is provided
o. Is there increase in price for credit purchase |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
q. If YES, (a) How much more you paid _____________
(b) What is the percentage increase in price ____________%
q. Is feed delivered at the farm? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
u. Distance traveled to get feed (km) ______
v. Monthly salary of regular workers: Male Rs. _____ female Rs. _____
w. Daily wage rate of casual workers: Male Rs. _____ female Rs. _____
B. Other Costs per annum
i. Is accommodation provided for labour? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
ii. If accommodation is provided, rental value per worker Rs._________
iii. Number of non-production (official, clerks..) regular workers: Males ____ Females ____
iv. Salary of non-production regular workers per month: Males ____ Females ____
v. Transport cost for feed (Rs.) ________
vi. Transport cost for other inputs (Rs.) _________
vii. Others (including expenditure on pet animals like dogs)
C. Taxes and other payments for complete year
1. Taxes paid (specify) ____________Amount Rs.________
2. Insurance Rs.___________
3. Others (specify) __________________ Amount Rs. ________
j. Do you face any complaints relating to poultry farming by public/Neighbors:
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
ii. If YES, give the nature of complaint: (a) Odour (b) Flies (c) Other (specify)
iii. If YES, give the method of complaint:
(a) Oral representation to poultry farmer
(b) Written representation to civic authority
(c) Court matter
iv. A. How is Layer Waste Used?
Manure/Raw Material for Manure |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No: If YES, % Used:.... Others (Specify): |
B. Is there demand for manure? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
w. If yes, for which crops it is applied? _______________
vi. If it is used for other purposes, specify: _______________
vii. What is the best method of keeping the manure?
viii. Are you adopting it? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
ix. If YES, cost of adoption of the method ( per month) Rs._______
y. If you are not able to sell the manure, how do you dispose it?
1. dump on road 2. Thrown in River/Drained 3. Take to some distance from where it will be taken for manure, 4. Other (specify)
xi. If carried to some point, distance (km)________ and cost (Rs)__________
xii. Other expenditure per month to control odour and flies Rs.________
xiii. Are you spending on community to compensate for pollution? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
xiv. If Yes, amount spent per year Rs_______
xv. Cost of disposing dead bird per month: Labour time (hrs)____Other costs (Rs.) ______
i. Name of hatchery supplying chicks to you _____________________
ii.. What other inputs are supplied by hatchery free of cost:
1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. _________________
iii. Do you have any contract with other input supplier/s or output buyer?
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
iv. If YES, specify the agency:_________________________________________
v. Type of contract:
1. Input supply on credit 2. Input supply 3.Output purchase 4. Other(Specify)..........
vi. What items are supplied? 1______________ Free or Priced:
2_______________ Free or Priced 3______________ Free or Priced
4______________ Free or Priced 5______________ Free or Priced
vii. If priced for how much duration credit is provided: _______(days)
viii. Is there increase in input price due to this arrangement of credit _________
ix. Is there reduction in output price due to this arrangement? _____________
x. Is the price of eggs determined initially: |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
xi. Do you face any problems in input supply? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
xii. If YES, in what aspect? Timeliness[ ] Yes [ ] No; Input quality; [ ] Yes[ ] No
Input price [ ] Yes [ ]; No; Others specify ________
xiii. Problems faced in the sale of output Timeliness of purchase |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
Rejection on quality grounds |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
Low price |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
Delay in payment |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
Others specify ___________________
B. Access to Finance
1. What is the approximate total amount you spent on fixed capital (Construction & Equipments)?
2. Give the particulars of sources of funds for the above investment
Source |
Amount |
Rate of interest |
Own funds |
Institutional loan |
Rural development programme |
Private loan |
Others (specify) |
3. Working capital needs and sources of funds
Purpose |
Amount |
Source |
Duration |
Rate of interest if borrowed % |
B. Access to other inputs
1. How many times did the following functionaries visit your farm during last one year?
a. Representative of pharmaceutical companies
b. Representatives of breeding companies
c. Extension personnel from Animal Husbandry Department
2. Distance from the farm to the hatchery to purchase day-old-chicks DoCs (Kms).....
3. Does any of your employees possess degree in veterinary sciences? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
C. Access to output (Eggs) market
4. Are you selling the product
(i) independently? [ ] Yes [ ] No; if YES.. per cent
(ii) contract [ ] Yes [ ] No; if YES... per cent
(iii) Own used [ ] Yes [ ] No; if YES... per cent
6. If YES, what is the distance from the point of sale?
D. Access to market information
1. Are you selling dressed culled birds (layer)? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
2. If YES, are then any specifications for dressing: |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
3. If YES, give details.................
4. If YES, Whether such facility is available? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
5. If you have no telephone, distance from nearest telephone Km.
6. Do you receive market information regularly? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
7. If YES, source of information: Radio/TV/Newspaper/Fax/As member of NECC/Other (specify)
8. Instances of major outbreaks of MAJOR DISEASES during last five years, If NO, Go to next Question
S. No. |
Year |
Disease |
Population (Layer) on farm |
% Died |
9. Rat (Rodents) proofing facilities available? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
10. Have you attended any seminar/workshop/training during last one year? Yes? No
11. If YES, give details...................
12. Are you adopting any measures for relieving summer/Winter stress? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
13. If YES, give particulars:
14. Percentage distribution of sales of eggs to different agencies (during last one year)
Agency |
Wholesale trader |
Retail trader |
Consumer |
Contractor |
Integrator |
% to total sale |
Price received |
(Months) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
15. To how many customers do you sell the output? ________
16. Since how many years your oldest buyer has been buying layer from you?
B. Decision Maker of the poultry farm
· Who is Decision Maker of the poultry farm:
[ ] Owner, [ ] Manager, Other (specify)..........
· Name of Decision Maker of the poultry farm(Optional):...........
2. Characteristics:
2.1 Age: ___________
2.2 Gender:_______
2.3 Marital Status:____________
2.4 Highest Educational Attainment:___________________________
2. Is the poultry business his/her main occupation? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
3. If NO, what is his/her main occupation? ________________________
2. If YES, Is he/she engaged in another secondary occupation? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
5. (Optional) Share of poultry Farming in total income _______%
6. Has had formal poultry science education? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
17. Number of years on this Poultry farm:______________
18. Number of years of experience in poultry farming:_______________
19. No. of poultry business training programs attended in the last 2 years_______
20. No. of other agri-business training programs attended in the last 2 years _______
21. Are you a member of any community organization? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
22. If YES, organization___________________ Your designation_________________
23. Are you a member of any poultry organization? |
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
24. If YES, organization___________________ Your designation_________________
25. What is your monthly household expenditure _________
26. Extent of agricultural land owned (acres), if any: Irrigated _______ Dry ______
B. Other Household (HH) Members of the Decision Maker
4. How many other household members are there?____________
5. How many of them help in the running the poultry business? ___________
6. What activities in the business do they perform? __________________________
4. If any one of them has education in livestock, specify ____________________
7. Is the household head (or spouse) decision-maker of the poultry farm?
[ ] Yes |
[ ] No |
S. No. |
Variable |
Description of Variables |
1 |
Unit identification number, (First digit: 1= Layer, 2 = Broiler, 2nd digit: 1 = Small and 2 = Large. Digit 3-5 for serial No.); 'c' represent Contract Farms/Units |
2 |
Last 3 digits of IDNO (serial Number |
3 |
AP for Andhra Pradesh, HAR for Haryana |
4 |
For layer (Unitsize*52)/(Batch size* batch duration);For broiler annual production/last batch size |
5 |
Aggregate total revenue(Eggs/Birds + Manure + Bags) in Rs./annum |
6 |
Aggregate total variable cost( Chick + Feed + Medical + wages excluding faimly labour + others) in Rs./annum |
7 |
Aggregate total Profit ( Col.5-col.6)in Rs./annum |
8 |
Aggregate Egg Value n Rs./annum for layer, For Broiler It is 0 |
9 |
Aggregate bird Value in Rs./annum: For Layer = culled Birds |
10 |
Aggregate manure Value in Rs./annum: |
11 |
Aggregate chick Value in Rs./annum: |
12 |
Aggregate Value of Feed in Rs./annum: |
13 |
Aggregate Value of medical expenditure in Rs./annum: |
14 |
Aggregate Value of wage of hired lobour in Rs./annum: |
15 |
Aggregate Value of 'Other cost"r in Rs./annum: |
16 |
Aggregate Interest amount paid on Working caital, in Rs./annum: |
17 |
Total number of birds maintained on the farm during the year, most of the time(or CAPACITY UTILIZATION) |
18 |
SIZE of latest Completed Batch, Number of Birds |
19 |
Type of the Unit Code (131 for Deeplitter, 132 for Cage) |
20 |
Type of the Ownership Code (121 proprietary, 122 partnership) |
21 |
Location of Unit (141 for rural, 142 for urban) |
22 |
monthly expenditure on pnone,Rs/month |
23 |
monthly expenditure on Electricity,Rs/month |
24 |
monthly expenditure on Water,Rs/month |
25 |
Duration of latest batch in weeks. This is not valid for broiler |
26 |
Gap between two cosecutive batches in days |
27 |
Education of decision maker Code (331 for illit., 332 for prime, 333 for secondary, 334 for higher) |
28 |
Years of total experience in poultry (No.) |
29 |
Is the owner member of any community/organisation (Y/N) |
30 |
Whether member in any poulty organisation (Y/N) |
31 |
Extent of irrigated land (acres),1 Hectare = 2.47 Acre |
32 |
Extent of dry land (acres) |
33 |
Number of Family workers,Household members working in poultry unit |
34 |
Total No. eggs produced in latest batch (from Sales File) (No.), O for Broilers |
35 |
Eggs Sold in latest batch (from Sales File) (No.), ) for Broilers |
36 |
Value of eggs sold of latest batch (Rs.) |
37 |
Manure Produced (Kgs.) of latest batch |
38 |
Manure Sold (Kgs.) of latest batch |
39 |
Value ( or imputed value)of manure produced, per annum for broiler, and per batch for Layer |
40 |
Value ( or imputed value)of manure Sold |
41 |
Manure used on own farm (Kg.) |
42 |
Manure Freely given (kg) |
43 |
Manure Freely given (kg) |
44 |
No of birds sold (Layer = Culled per batch, Broiler = per annum) |
45 |
Value of Culled Birds sold, 0 for broilers |
46 |
No of birds sold (Layer = 0, Broiler = per annum) |
47 |
Value of Broiler Birds sold per annum, 0 for layers |
48 |
Value of tin & empty bags sold (Rs./batch) |
49 |
Mortality in latest completed batch, No. |
50 |
Location of disposal Code (own land 221, Private land 222 and other ladn 223)) |
51 |
Rent on land and buildings Rs. per annum, if rented |
52 |
Cost of disinfecting the shed/per batch |
53 |
Cost of Debeaking/batch |
54 |
Cost of Litter/batch |
55 |
No. of chicks purchased, latest batch |
56 |
value of chicks purchased, latest batch |
57 |
amount of feed/bird/batch in Kgm |
58 |
Value of feed/bird/batch in Rs. |
59 |
Value of medical cost/all birds/batch in Rs. |
60 |
Monthly male workers (No.) |
61 |
Monthly female workers (No.) |
62 |
Monthly male wages, Rs./month |
63 |
Monthly female wages, Rs./month |
64 |
Daily male casual workers latest batch(No.), latest batch |
65 |
Daily female workers in (No.),latest batch |
66 |
Daily male wages Rs. per day latest batch |
67 |
Daily female wages Rs. per day, latest batch |
68 |
Supervisor numbers |
69 |
Supervisor salaries in Rs./month |
70 |
Other input Value per batch |
71 |
Feed transport cost Rs./year for entire unit |
72 |
Other inputs transport cost Rs./year for entire unit |
73 |
Tax amount Rs./annum for entire unit |
74 |
Insurance amount Rs./annum for entire unit |
75 |
Other yearly amount Rs. Expenditure in other cost/annum for entire unit |
76 |
Cost of controlling Flies Rs./annum for entire unit |
77 |
Dead bird disposing cost Rs./batch |
78 |
Cost of Poullation Payment Rs./annum for entire unit |
79 |
Manure dispose cost Rs./batch |
80 |
Investment in Fixed capital amount Rs.(Historical Value) |
81 |
Own capital amount Rs. |
82 |
Institutional loan amount Rs. |
83 |
Institutional loan interest rate, % per annum |
84 |
Loan from Rural development amount, Rs. |
85 |
Loan from Rural development interest rate, % per annum |
86 |
Private loan amount Rs. |
87 |
Private loan amount interest Rate % per annum |
88 |
Other loan amount, Rs. |
89 |
Other loan interest rate, % per annum |
90 |
Pharmaceutical representative numbers Visitor/year |
91 |
Hatchery company representative numbers Visitor/year |
92 |
Animal Husbandry Department representative numbers/year |
93 |
Employees in veterinary science Yes/No |
94 |
Phone distance KMs, if you don't pass |
95 |
Market information regulary Yes/No |
96 |
Information source code (301 Radio, 302 TV, 303 Newspaper, 304 Fax, 305 NECC, 306 Telephone, 307 Other) |
97 |
Year of major disease attack 1, First attach in last 5 years |
98 |
Name of disease in first attack code (201 RD, 202 CRD, 203 Gambora, 204 Gyjard, 205 Gout, 206 Other) |
99 |
Total No. of birds on the farm in the year of Attack 1 |
100 |
percentage % of birds dead due to first attack |
101 |
Year of major disease attack 2, Second attach in last 5 years |
102 |
Name of disease in second attack code (201 RD, 202 CRD, 203 Gambora, 204 Gyjard, 205 Gout, 206 Other) |
103 |
Total No. of birds on the farm in the year of 2 Attack |
104 |
percentage % of birds dead due to 2 attack |
105 |
Year of major disease attack 3, Third attach in last 5 years |
106 |
Name of disease in 3 attack code (201 RD, 202 CRD, 203 Gambora, 204 Gyjard, 205 Gout, 206 Other) |
107 |
Total No. of birds on the farm in the year of Attack 3 |
108 |
percentage % of birds dead due to 3 attack |
109 |
Year of major disease attack 4, Fourth attach in last 5 years |
110 |
Name of disease in 4 attack code (201 RD, 202 CRD, 203 Gambora, 204 Gyjard, 205 Gout, 206 Other) |
111 |
Total No. of birds on the farm in the year of Attack 4 |
112 |
percentage % of birds dead due to fourth attack |
113 |
Rat proofing facilities Yes/No |
114 |
Seminar attended Yes/No During lent one year |
115 |
Stress relieving Yes/No |
116 |
Output sold to Wholesaler percentage % sold |
117 |
Output sold to Retailer percentage % sold |
118 |
Output sold to Consumer percentage % sold |
119 |
Output sold to Middle-man percentage % sold |
120 |
Output sold to Integrator percentage % sold |
121 |
Output customers number No |
122 |
Older customers Years, Years |
123 |
Name of the Unit |
124 |
Name of the Owner of the Unit |
125 |
Name of the Location |
126 |
Name of the Mandal or Taluk |
127 |
Name of the District |