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Ameen, M.S., 1992. Effect of basement tectonics on hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation in Northern Iraq. The American Association of Petroleoum Geologists Bulletin, V. 76, n. 3.

Boccaletti, M. and Dainelli, P., 1982. Il sistema regmatico Neogenico-Quaternario nell’area mediterranea: esempio di deformazione plastico-rigida post-collisionale. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 24.

ENVI 3.6 User’s guide, Research Systems, 2001 edition

Geological maps, 2001/2002, scale 1:100.000, prepared by Gara Bureau (Erbil), Salahaddin University (Erbil) and by Sulaimaniyah University (Sulaimaniyah), WRISS/GWU.

Larsson, L., 1977. Groundwater in hard rocks, International Seminar "Groundwater in Hard Rocks", Stockolm - Cagliari.

Lattham, L.H. and Parizek, R.R., 1964. Relationship between fracture trace and occurrence of groundwater in carbonate rocks., Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 2, USA.

Lithostratigraphic map of Northern Iraq, 2001, scale 1:500.000, prepared by Salahaddin University (Erbil), WRISS/GWU.

Markovic, M., 2002. FAO Coordination Office for Northern Iraq. Consultancy Mission Report. FAO.

Operational Navigation Chart (ONC), Sheet G4, Edition 10, Scale 1:1,000,000, revised 1974, Defense Mapping Agency, Aerospace Center, USA.

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Russian topographic maps, scale 1:100,000, series J-38 (86,87; 97-102; 109-114; 121-127; 133-139) and I-38 (1-9; 13-21; 25-33; 37-44; 49-56); published between 1972 and 1982.

Stevanovic, Z., 2000. Preliminary assessment of hydrogeological conditions in Northern Iraq. Assessment report. FAO.

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United Nations Security Council, 2002, Office of the Iraq Programme "Oil-for-Food" (website)

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1. Africover: specifications for geometry and cartography, 2000

2. Terrestrial Carbon Observations
The Ottawa assessment of requirements, status and next steps, 2002

3. Terrestrial Carbon Observations
The Rio de Janeiro recommandations for terrestrial and atmospheric measurements, 2002

4. Organic agriculture, environment and food security, 2002

5. Terrestrial Carbon Observations
The Frascati report on in situ carbon data and information, 2002

6. The clean development mechanism (CDM): implications for energy and sustainable agriculture and rural development projects, 2003


1. Inventory and monitoring of shrimp farms in Sri Lanka by ERS SAR data, 1999

2. Solar photovoltaics for sustainable agriculture and rural development, 2000

3. Energia solar fotovoltaica para la agricultura y el desarrollo rural sostenibles, 2000

4. The energy and agriculture nexus, 2000

5. World wide agroclimatic database, FAOCLIM CD-rom v. 2.01, 2001

6. Preparation of a land cover database of Bulgaria through remote sensing and GIS, 2001

7. GIS and spatial analysis for poverty and food insecurity, 2002

8. Enviromental monitoring and natural resources management for food security and sustainable development, CD-rom, 2002

9. Local climate estimator, LocClim 1.0 CD-rom, 2002

10. Toward a GIS-based analysis of mountain environments and populations, 2003

11. TERRASTAT: Global land resources GIS models and databases for poverty and food insecurity mapping, CD-rom, 2003

12. FAO & climate change, CD-rom, 2003

13. Groundwater search by remote sensing, A methodological approach, 2003

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