Ulf N. Wijkstrom,
Economist Consultant
Hans Aase,
Lusaka, Zambia, 1989
This report was prepared during the course of the project identified on the title page. The conclusions and recommendations given in the report are those considered appropriate at the time of its preparation. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the project.
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ALCOM (Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme) is an inter-regional Programme executed by FAO and funded by Sweden (SIDA). Although inter-regional in scope the Programme's activities initially focus on the countries of Southern Africa.
The main objective is to develop, test and demonstrate methods and techniques by which rural people can improve their standards of living through aquaculture. The mode of work is to deal with problems encountered by rural communities in pilot activities, the results of which are intended to be applied in large-scale development projects and programmes. Training is provided for counterpart staff and other key personnel categories and assistance given to Governments in formulating development projects and programmes.
This working paper presents the results from a pilot survey on fish farmers in Northern Province of Zambia, carried out upon request by and in cooperation with the Department of Fisheries.
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2. Analysis and conclusions: Current Situation and Outlook
2.1 Estimate of the farmed tilapia production for the Northern Province
2.2 Outlook for tilapia production in ponds
2.3 Ways of improving farmed tilapia output in rural areas
3. Analysis and conclusions: Fish Farmers
3.1.1 Respondents compared to relevant sections of the population of the Northern Province
3.1.2 Contacts with other groups
3.2.1 Respondents compared to relevant sections of the population of the Northern Province
3.2.2 Stated intentions and behaviour of fish culturists
3.3.1 Procedures used in raising tilapia in ponds
3.4 Fish Farmers: tentative conclusions
3.4.2 What makes him start tilapia farming?
3.4.4 What makes the pond-owner abandon fish farming?
3.4.5 What support do fish farmers need?
4.2.1 Basic data about respondent
4.2.2 Formal education and experience of respondent
4.2.3 Economic situation of respondents
4.2.4 Social situation of respondents
4.3 Current situation and outlook
4.3.2 Activities during the current situation production period
4.3.3 Intentions for the next production period
4.3.4 Activities during previous production period
4.3.5 What is the efficiency like?
4.4.2 Scope of fish farming activity
4.4.5 Problems and where to find help
4.4.6 Contemplated modifications
4.5.1 From where did the idea come?
4.5.2 Who were engaged by the decision to start culture?
4.5.3 What results were expected?
4.5.4 What effort did the decision imply?
4.6.1 Hisotry of the culture activity
4.6.3 What efforts were made to solve problems?
4.7.1 Actions and considerations in support of interest
4.7.4 Effort: size and origin of resource used