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This Summary document is derived from the full book of the same name published jointly in English by FAO and the World Bank.* A work of this nature necessarily draws on the contributions and knowledge of a great number of people. Brief mention must be made of at least some of those who have played an important role in making this study a reality. The work was carried out under the overall direction of S. Funes (at the time Director, Rural Development Division). Invaluable technical support was provided by A. MacMillan (Principal Advisor, Investment Centre Division), D. Baker (Chief, Farm Management and Production Economics Service, Agricultural Support Systems Division), and E. Kueneman (Chief, Crop and Grassland Service, Plant Production and Protection Division). The study was originally conducted at the request of the World Bank as a major input to the revision of the Bank's Rural Development Strategy, and C. Csaki (Senior Advisor/ Team Leader-Rural Strategy) and S. Barghouti (Research Advisor) of the Rural Development Department were instrumental in shaping the structure and scope of the work. Finally, the regional chapters of this study are derived from separate documents, whose preparation was led by
A. Carloni (sub-Saharan Africa); D. Gibbon (North Africa and Middle East); S. Tanic and F. Dauphin (East Europe and Central Asia); J. Dixon (South Asia); D. Ivory (East Asia and the Pacific); and A. Gulliver (Latin America and the Caribbean). We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of professional and support staff from all technical Departments of FAO, whose assistance is listed in the Acknowledgements in the full book from which this Summary is drawn.

* Dixon, J. and A. Gulliver with D. Gibbon. (2001) Farming Systems and Poverty: Improving Farmers' Livelihoods in a Changing World. FAO & World Bank, Rome, Italy & Washington, DC, USA.

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