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القسم الرابع

قائمة بجهات الاتصال الخاصة بالدستور[34]



Directorate of Food Quality and Inspection/Documentation Centre

Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Skenderbe sq


Fax:         +355 42 279244


وزارة الاقتصاد

الإدارة العامة للمنافسة والأسعار

إدارة النوعية والاستهلاك

قصر الحكومة

الجزائر العاصمة


Gabinete de Segurança Alimentar

Ministerio da Agricultura e do Desenvolvimento Rural

C.P. 527


Fax:         +244 2 320553        +244 2321943

أنتيغوا وباربودا


Antigua and Barbuda Bureau of Standards (ABBS)

P.O. Box 1550, Redcliff Street

St. John's, Antigua

Phone:    +854 462 1625

Fax:         +854 462 1532

Email:      [email protected]


Ing Gabriela Catalani

Dirección Nacional de Mercardos Agroalimentarios

Subsegretaria de Economia Agropecuaria y Regional

Segreteria de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca

Paseo Colón 922, Planta Baja, Oficina 27

(1063) Buenos Aires

Phone:    +54 11 4349 2728   +54 114349 2146

Fax:         +54 11 4349 2244

Email:      [email protected]


Dr. A. Malkhassian

Director, State Enterprise "Paren"

Ministry of Food and Purchase

375023 Yerevan

Gorvetca str. 4

Phone:    +374 252 46 86       +374 252 46 87

Fax:         +374 2 52 88 43

Telex:      243338 VOLT SU


Manager, Codex Australia

Residues and Standards, Product Integrity, Animal and Plant Health

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Canberra ACT 2601

GPO Box 858

Phone:    +61 2 6272 5692

Fax:         +61 2 6272 3103

Email:      [email protected]                 [email protected]


Head of Division III/3

Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Bundesministerium für Land und Forstwirtschaft

Stubenring 12

A-1010 Vienna

Phone:    +431 71100 2812

Fax:         +431 71100 2959

Email:      [email protected]

جزر البهاما

Director of Fisheries

Department of Fisheries

East Bay Street

PO Box N-3028,


Phone: +1 242 393 1777  +242 393 1014

Fax:     + 1 242 393 0238


الدكتور رفعت عبد الحميد

مدير الصحة العامة

صندوق بريد 42


فاكس: +973 25 25 69 MinHealth



Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI)

116/A, Tejgaon Industrial Area

Dhaka 8

Email:      [email protected]



Barbados National Standards Institution

"Flodden", Culloden Road

St. Michael


Comité belge du Codex Alimentarius

Ministère des Affaires étrangères, du commerce extérieur et de la Coopération au développement

Direction générale des relations économiques et bilaterales extérieures

1000 Bruxelles

Rue des Petits Carmes, 15

Phone:    +32 02 5018111      +32 2 5018299

Fax:         +32 2 5018827

Email:      [email protected]


The Director

Belize Bureau of Standards

Ministry of Trade and Industry

Belize City

53 Regent Street, P.O. Box 1647

Phone:    +501 2 72 314

Fax:         +501 2 70 711


Secretariat de la Commission nationale du Codex Alimentarius

Direction de l'Alimentation et de la Nutrition appliquée (DANA)

Ministère du Développement Rural

B.P. No. 295, Porto Novo

Phone:    +229 21 26 70


Mr. Sonam Tobgay

Agricultural Marketing Section

Ministry of Agriculture


Phone:    +975 2 324898        +975 2 322834

Fax:         +975 2 323153

Email:      [email protected]                            [email protected]


Director Ejecutivo

Instituto Boliviano de Normalización y Calidad (IBNORCA)

Av. Camacho esquina Bueno No. 1488

Casilla : La PazBolivia 5034

Phone:    +591 231 9185

Fax:         +591 231 7262

Email:      [email protected]


The Head, National Food Control Laboratory

Ministry of Health

Private Bag 00269


Phone:    +267 374351           +267 374357

Fax:         +267 374 354

Email:      [email protected]


Chefe, Divisão de Agricultura e Produtos de Base – DPB

Ministry of External Relations

Esplanada dos Ministerios, Palacio do Itamaraty, Anexo I - Sala 506

70.170 Brasilia

Phone:    +55 61 211 6638

Fax:         +55 61 226 3255

Email:      [email protected]

بروني دار السلام

Dr. Mohamad Y. Bin Haji Mohiddin

Deputy Director of Agriculture

Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources

Bandar Seri Begawan 2059

Fax:         +673 2 382226        +673 2381639


Monsieur le Chef de la Section de la Commission du Codex Alimentarius

Union nationale agro-industrielle

55, boul. Hristo Botev

1000 Sofia

Phone:    +359 2 8531 Ext.617

Fax:         +359 2 800 655

بوركينا فاصو

Ministre du développement rural

Ministère du développement rural

P.O. Box 7010



Bureau Burundais de normalisation  et contrôle de la qualité "BBN"

B.P. 3535


Phone:    +257 2 22 1815       +257 222 1577

[34]          تخضع هــذه القائمـة لتغيـيرات متكررة. تخطر جهات الاتصال للبلدان العضو الجديــدة برسالة دوريــة. وتــوزع القوائــم المنقحـة على فترات منتظمة، وتظهر أحدث المعلومات في صفحة الهيئة على شبكة الانترنت على العنوان التالي:

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