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القسم الرابع

قائمة بجهات الاتصال الخاصة بالدستور[34]



Dr V. Shivute

The Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development

Private Bag 13184


Phone:    +264 61 208 7649

Fax:         +264 61 22 1733

Email:      [email protected]


Chief Food Research Officer

Central Food Research Laboratory

Babar Mahal


Phone:    +977 1 2 14824       +977 12 12781


Ms. Jennifer Hagenstein

Executive Officer for Codex Alimentarius

Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management & Fisheries

Dept. for the Environment, Quality and Health, Room 6302

P.O. Box 20401

2500 EK The Hague

Phone:    +31 70 3784104      +31 70 3785686

Fax:         +31 70 3786141

Email:      [email protected]


Mr. S. Rajasekar

Codex Coordinator and Contact Point for New Zealand

MAF Policy – Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

P.O. Box 2526


Phone:    +64 4 474 4216

Fax:         +64 4 4730118

Email:      [email protected]


Programa Normalización, Metrología y Control de Calidad (NMCC)

Dirección de Tecnología Industrial

Del Sandy's Carretera Masaya 1c arriba - Apartado postal No 8



Division Nutrition

Direction Santé Familial

Ministère de la Santé Publique

B.P. 623


Phone:    +227 72 36 00

Fax:         +227 72 24 24


Director General of Standards

Standards Organisation of Nigeria

Federal Secretariat

Phase 1, 9th fl.

P.M.B. No. 2102 (Yaba)

Ikoyi, Lagos

Phone:    +234 1 2696177

Fax:         +234 1 2696178


(Ms) Dr. Berit Wilsher

Norwegian Food Control Authority

Postboks 8187 Dep.

0034 Oslo 1

Phone:    +47 2224 6650

Fax:         +47 2224 6699

Email:      [email protected]

سلطنة عمان

المدير العام للشؤون الصحية

المديرية العامة للشؤون الصحية

وزارة الصحة

ص. ب. 393، دار سبت

113 مسقط

هاتف:     602177 968+

فاكس:     696099 968+


The Director-General for Health

Ministry of Health, Social Welfare and Population Planning

Government of Pakistan

Secretariat Block C


Phone:    +92 51 82 09 30

                Cable:     SEHAT ISLAMABAD


Dirección General de Normas y Tecnología Industrial

Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias

Piso 19, Edificio La Lotería

Apartado 9658, Zona 4


Phone:    +507 227 4749        +507 227 4222

Fax:         +507 225 7724

بابوا غينيا الجديدة

Dr. Ian I. Onaga

Program Manager

Technical and Field Services Branch

Dept. of Agriculture and Livestock

P.O. Box 2141, Boroko NCD

Phone:    +675 321 7005

Fax:         +675 321 4364


Director General

Instituto Nacional de Tecnología y Normalización

Avda. General Artigas y General

Roa - C.C. 967


Phone:    +595 21 290 160     +595 21 290 266

Fax:         +595 21 290 873

Email:      [email protected]


Dr. Carlos F. Pastor Talledo

Director Ejecutivo de Higiene Alimentaria y Control de las Zoonosis

Dirección General de Salud Ambiental

Ministerio de Salud

Calle las Amapolas No. 350

Lince, Lima 14

Phone:    +51 1 440 6871

Fax:         +51 1 440 6797

Email:      [email protected]


Dr. Ma. Concepción Lizada

Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards (BAFPS)

Department of Agriculture

Elliptical Road, Diliman

Quezon City 1104

Phone:    +63 2 920 6131       +63 2 920 6132

Fax:         +63 2 920 6134

Email:      [email protected]


Agriculural and Food Quality Inspection

32/34 Zurawia str., P.O.Box 25

00-950 Warsaw

Phone:    +48 22 621 6421

Fax:         +48 22 629 4816

Email:      [email protected]


Dr. Carlos Alberto M. Andrade Fontes

Director, Gabinete de Planeamento e Política Agro-Alimentar

Ministerio da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas

Rua Padre António Vieira 1-7o

1099-073 Lisboa

Phone:    +351 21 3819320

Fax:         +351 21 3876635

Email:      [email protected]


وكيل الوزارة

وزارة الصحة العامة

ص.ب. 3050


تليفون: +974 29 20 00

فاكس: +974 43 30 19

تليكس: 4261



Romanian Codex Contact Point

Food Industry Division

Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Bdul. Carol I, No 24, Sector 3

70033 Bucarest

Phone:    +401 3112278         +401 3120274

Fax:         +401 3112278         +401 3120274

الاتحاد الروسي

Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Attention: Drs V.A.Tutelian and A.K. Baturin

Ust'Insky Pr., 2/14

109240 Moskva

Phone:    +7 095 925 1140

Fax:         +7 095 230 2812

Telex:      411407


Division-Normalisation et Contrôle de la Qualité

Ministère du Commerce et de la Consommation

B.P. 476


Phone:    +250 73875             +250 73237

Fax:         +250 72984

Telex:      502 MINAFFET RW

سانت كيتس ونيفيس

Dr. Milton Whittaker

Director, Bureau of Standards

Ministry of Trade

Government of St. Kitts and Nevis

Basseterre, SAINT KITTS

سانت لوسيا

The Director

Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS)

Block B, 4th Floor, Heraldine Rock Bldg

John Compton Highway


Phone:    +1 758 453 0049     +1 758 468 4235

Fax:         +1 758 452 3561

Email:      [email protected]

سانت فينست وغرينادين

Mr. Ezra D. Ledger, Director,

St. Vincent and the Grena

P.O. Box 1506,


Phone:    +1 784 457 8092

Fax:         +1 784 457 8175

Email:      [email protected]


Chief, Public Health Division

Health Department

P.O. Box 192


المملكة العربية السعودية

لعناية: العلاقات العامة

إدارة )العلاقات الدولية(

منظمة المواصفات للملكة العربية السعودية

ص.ب. 3437

الرياض 11471

هاتف: +966 1 452 0224/452 0166

فاكس:+ 966 1 452 0167


Comité national du Code

Service de l'alimentation et de la nutrition appliquée au Sénégal (SANAS)

Ministère de la Santé

Direction de la Santé

BP 10604, Dakar

Phone:    +221 824 47 53

Fax:         +221 824 75 49

صربيا والجبل الأسود

Mr. Miodrag Perovic, Director,

Institution for Standardization of Serbia and Montenegro(ISSM),

Stevana Brakusa 2,

11030 Beograd

Phont:    +381 11 3541-260

Fax:         +381 11 3541-258

Email:      [email protected]



Seychelles Bureau of Standards

P.O. Box 648

Victoria (Mahé)

Phone:    +248 76631

Fax:         +248 76151

Telex:      2422 DEPIND SZ


The Director, Food Standards Department

Sierra Leone Standards Bureau

S.L.P.M.B Headquarters Building

C.T. Box 11, Clinetown


Phone:    +232 22 228 374

Fax:         +232 22 224 437

Email:      [email protected]

                [email protected]


Ministry of the Environment

Food Control Department

Environment Building 40

Scotts Road

19-00 Singapore 228231

Phone:    +65 7327733

Fax:         +65 7319843           +65 7319844

                Cable:     MINENVIRON

جمهورية سلوفاكيا

Ing. Milan Kovác

Secretariat of the Slovak Food Codex Committee

Food Research Institute

Priemyselná 4 - P.O. Box 25

824 75 Bratislava 26

Phone:    +42 17 50237 136

Fax:         +42 17 5557 1417

Email:      [email protected]


Dr. Marusa Adamic

Hygiene Specialist

Institute for Public Health and Social Welfare

Trubarjeva 2

61000 Ljubjana

Phone:    +386 61 32 3245

Fax:         +386 61 32 39 55

جزر سليمان

Mr. Ezekiel Walaodo

Under Secretary (Agriculture)

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

P.O. Box G13


Phone:    +677 21327             +677 21581

Fax:         +677 21955

[34]          تخضع هــذه القائمـة لتغيـيرات متكررة. تخطر جهات الاتصال للبلدان العضو الجديــدة برسالة دوريــة. وتــوزع القوائــم المنقحـة على فترات منتظمة، وتظهر أحدث المعلومات في صفحة الهيئة على شبكة الانترنت على العنوان التالي:

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