The Special Working Group on the evaluation of the demersal resources of the southern CECAF region met from 13-18 November at the Centre de recherches océanographiques in Abidjan. The meeting was chaired by Mr C. Champagnat. The purpose of this meeting organized by CECAF was to assess the level of exploitation of demersal stocks in the area between Ivory Coast and Zaire and to recommend appropriate management procedures.
The CECAF project extends its thanks to His Excellency the Minister of Scientific Research of the Republic of Ivory Coast and to Mr H. Rotschi, Director of the Centre de recherches océanographiques of Abidjan, whose kind cooperation made possible the meeting of this Working Group in Ivory Coast.
Fifteen scientists participated in this meeting; their names are listed in Appendix 1. The proposed agenda was adopted, and is found in Appendix 2 of this report. Mr A. Caverivière and Mr Champagnat were appointed rapporteurs.