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Appendix 2: AGENDA

Monday 13 November

- Inventory of available data
- Total catch (industrial, semi-industrial and artisanal)
- Corresponding catch and effort
- Biological data
- Fisheries (size of fleet, fishing grounds, times of year, etc.)
- Industrial and semi-industrial
- Artisanal
Tuesday 14 November
- Geographical and bathymetric distribution of stocks-
- Hydrographic factors and their effect on fisheries
- Life cycle
- Maturity and fertility
- Spawning
- Length-weight ratio
- Recruitment
- Age and growth
- Mortality estimations
- Biology and distribution of Balistes capriscus
- Commercial interaction between B. capriscus and other more valuable species
Wednesday 15 November
- Current trends
- Total catch and effort
- Analyses of cpue
- mesh sizes used and selectivity experiments
- Assessments
Thursday 16 November
- Assessments
Friday 17 November
- Assessments
- Trawler and acoustic surveys
- Effect of mesh size regulation on certain fisheries
- Current level of exploitation
- Management measures
Saturday 18 November
- Future work
- Adoption of the report

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