CL 121/7
Hundred and Twenty-first Session |
Rome, 30 October - 1 November 2001 |
1. In accordance with Rule XXV-3(a) of the General Rules of the Organization (GRO), the Council elects the members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM). This Committee is composed of not more than seven Member Nations elected by the Council for a period of two years at the Session of the Council immediately following the regular session of the Conference (Rule XXXIV-1 GRO).
2. The deadline for submission of nominations for election to the Secretary-General of the Council is 12.00 hours on Monday 12 November 2001. This will allow for preparation and circulation of the list of candidates to Council not later than the morning of the day set for the election.
3. The present membership of the CCLM is:
Democratic People's Republic of Korea France Iraq Malta |
Senegal United States of America Uruguay |
4. A nomination form is appended overleaf.
APPENDIX (CCLM)NOMINATION FORM FOR COMMITTEE ON CONSTITUTIONAL (PERIOD: November 2001 - November 2003) To be submitted by 12.00 hours on Monday 12 November 2001
Date: ..................................... TO: Secretary-General of the Conference and Council
The Delegate of .......................................................................................... (Signature) ...................................................................................................
wishes to nominate .............................................................................................
for election to a seat on the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters.
The Delegate of .............................................................. accepts the nomination.
(Signature) .......................................................................