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5.1 International, national and non-governmental organizations can play important roles in promoting equitable gender inclusion in land administration. Development organizations have been targeting groups, such as women or the landless poor, for special assistance in land programmes to address equity concerns and to increase the effectiveness of some aid activities. Similar trends can be seen in the credit industries in developed countries where female-headed businesses are increasingly recognized as an important sector of the economy.

5.2 Gender inclusiveness in land projects is essential if the outcomes are to truly enhance security and effective access to land resources and the benefits from those resources. In order to ensure that project outcomes reflect the initial goals and do not have unintended negative impacts on men or women, the donor community and international organizations, should take on the following responsibilities at minimum.

Improve the environment for gender inclusiveness

5.3 Advocate gender inclusiveness:

5.4 Analyse gender issues:

5.5 Document and publicise gender issues such as:

Information campaigns should be directed “upstream” to policy makers and other leaders, and “downstream” to involved communities, implementers and other stakeholders.

5.6 Lead by example by providing demonstrations of gender inclusiveness in their own organizations and activities. Göler von Ravensburg and Jacobsen (1999)17, for example, suggest that: “Development cooperation can make it a precondition for any intensification of policy dialogue that international principles and law regarding women’s land rights be included into national policy and law, make relevant suggestions in this regard and monitor whether the respective laws are implemented such that men and women indeed obtain equal status in all land matters.”

Improve opportunities for gender inclusiveness

5.7 Promote gender integration at all levels of projects and programmes:

5.8 Promote gender integration through education and sensitisation:

5.9 Promote gender integration through legislation and policy by assisting governments in the development of property laws and land policies that recognize the diversity of household arrangements, and acknowledge both modern and traditionally dominant household patterns.

5.10 Promote gender integration by example such as providing role models and gender sensitivity training among project participants where possible.

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