1 See, for example, Harden, B. 1990. Good Intentions. Chapter 5 in Africa: Dispatches from a Fragile Continent. New York: W.W. Norton and Company.
2 Zwarteveen, M. Z. 1997. Water: From basic need to commodity: A discussion on gender and water rights in the context of irrigation. World Development, Vol. 25. No. 8, pp.1335-1349.
3 Varley, A. and M. Blasco. 2000. Gender and Property in Mexicos colonias populares. Paper presented at the session on Gender and Property in Latin America at the XXX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Miami, 16-18 March 2000.
4 The Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace, Beijing, 4-15 September 1995.
5 UN Economic and Social Council Commission on the Status of Women. Report of the forty-second session (2-13 March 1998). Supplement No. 7. E/CN.6/1998/12 - E/1998/27
6 Friedmann, J. 1992. Empowerment. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, quoted in F. Kalabamu, 1998. Effects of gendered land rights on urban housing by women in Botswana. International Conference and Workshop on Land Tenure in the Developing World. Cape Town, South Africa.
7 For example, Zwarteveen, 1997, Lastarria-Cornhiel, 1997, Agarwal, 1995, and Habitat, 1999.
8 Rocheleau, D. and E. David. 1997. Women, men and trees: Gender, power and property in forest and agrarian landscapes. World Development, Vol. 25. No. 8. pp.1351-1371.
9 Lastarria-Cornhiel, S. 1997. Impact of privatization on gender and property rights in Africa. World Development, Vol. 25. No. 8. Pp.1317-1333.
10 World Bank. nd. Toolkit on gender in agriculture. Gendernet, World Bank. Http:// www.worldbank.org/gender/tools/agtlkit.pdf Accessed on 24 October 2000.
11 See Crowley, E. 1998. Womens right to land and natural resources: Some implications for a human-rights based approach. Workshop on Rights-based Approach to Womens Empowerment and Advancement and Gender Equality. Rome, Italy; and Göler von Ravensburg, N. and I. Jacobsen, 1999. Gender responsive land tenure development. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmbh.
12 Ayad, M., A. L. Piani, B. Barrere, K. Ekouevi, and J. Otto. 1994. Demographic Characteristics of Households. DHS Comparative Studies No. 14. Calverton, Maryland: Macro International Inc. pp. 25-31.
13 FAO. 1997. Gender: the key to sustainability and food security. FAO Sustainable Development Division, Rome, Italy. Http://www.fao.org/WAICENT/FAOINFO/SUSTDEV/ WPdirect/WPdoe002.htm Accessed on 24 October 2000.
14 See Kalabamu, F. 1998. Effects of gendered land rights on urban housing by women in Botswana. International Conference and Workshop on Land Tenure in the Developing World. Cape Town, South Africa; and Njoh, A. J., 1998. Urban planning, housing and the socio-economic development of women in a developing country. Planning Perspectives, Vol. 13, pp. 1-21.
15 See, for example, B. Harden, 1990. Good intentions. Chapter 5 in Africa: Dispatches from a Fragile Continent. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, in which the author details the unexpected outcomes from a well intentioned aid project in Kenya.
16 Material in this section is based on research by Nichols, S., E. Crowley and K. Komjathy, 1999, as reported in Womens access to land: Surveyors can make a difference. Survey Quarterly, No. 20. pp. 16-19.
17 Göler von Ravensburg, N. and I. Jacobsen. 1999. Gender responsive land tenure development. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Gmbh.
18 FAO. Gender and Development Plan of Action 2002-2007. http://www.fao.org/docrep/meeting/ 003/Y1521e.htm
19 UN Habitat. 1999. Womens rights to land, housing and property in post-conflict situations and during reconstruction: A global overview. Land Management Series No. 9. United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), Nairobi.
20 Zwarteveen, M. Z. 1997. Water: From basic need to commodity: A discussion on gender and water rights in the context of irrigation. World Development, Vol. 25. No. 8, pp.1335-1349.
21 Pottier, J. 1999. Food Security and Gender: Information Gaps and How to Plug Them. FAO High Level Consultation on Rural Women and Information, FAO, Rome. http:www.fao.org/docrep/X3803E/X3803E18.htm Accessed: 24 October 2000.
22 World Neighbours. 2000. Gender and Decision Making: Kenya Case Study. World Neighbours, Nairobi.