THE CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION The Committee: - Agreed to advance draft Codex Standards for
Pineapples, Grapefruits and Longans to the 23rd Session
of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 8 (paras. 46, 62 and
70);- Agreed to advance Proposed Draft Codex Standards for
Tiquisque (White and Lilac), Yellow Pitahayas and Papaya (revised)
to the 23rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for
adoption at Step 8 (paras. 117, 155 and 167); - Agreed to advance Proposed Draft Codex Standards for
Asparagus, Oranges including the Guide for Use in Scoring Freezing Injury
and Cape Gooseberry to the 23rd Session of the Codex
Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 5 (paras. 87, 198 and
145); - Agreed to forward proposals to elaborate Codex standards for
Apples, Table Grapes and Tomato, to the 23rd Session of
the Codex Alimentarius Commission as new work (para. 186); - Agreed that two discussion papers concerning the
Establishment of Size Tolerances and Definitions for Terms used in the
Establishment of Fresh Produce Standards would be circulated for comments
and information prior to the next Committee's session (paras. 176 and
179); - Agreed that Section 8 Hygiene, in all standards under its
consideration, should be amended in accordance with the decision taken at the
30th Session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (para.
17). OTHER MATTERS:The Committee: - Agreed to return Section 3 - Provisions
concerning Sizing of the Draft Codex Standard for Grapefruits (Citrus
paradisi) to Step 6 for further comments and consideration by the next
session of the Committee, with a view to including the count code as another
sizing method, account taken of current global trading practices and similar
discussions in the UNECE (paras. 57 and 62 respectively).- Agreed to return the Draft Code of Practice for the
Quality Inspection and Certification of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to Step
6 and its Proposed Draft Annex II on Inspection Site Requisites to Step 3
for government comments and consideration at the next Committee's Session, in a
separate Circular Letter (para. 173). - Agreed to return the Proposed Draft Codex Standard for
Cassava to Step 3 so that the Delegation of Costa Rica could redraft the
text in the light of the changes made at the current session of CCFFV and
circulate it again for comments at Step 3 in a separate Circular
Letter. Agreed to amend Section 6.1 Consumer Packages of the
Labelling Section in the Draft Codex Standard for Pineapples and to forward
this decision to the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (paras. 40-43) - Agreed to re-word Section 7 Contaminants in all standards
under its consideration and to forward this decision to CCFAC and CCPR for
endorsement (paras. 84 and 85) - Noted that the Draft Codex Standards for Limes and
Pummelos were held at Step 7, so that sections in square brackets may be
considered and finalized by the next session of the Committee. (Secretariat
Note, page. 24) |