5. The Secretariat informed the Committee about the addition of two working documents on the Provisional Agenda, namely: a) Agenda Item 2(b), working document CX/FFV 99/3-Add.1, Questions relative to the Standardization of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables resulting of the Activities of the ECE and b) Agenda Item 3(a), working document CX/FFV 99/7-Add.1 Provisions concerning Sizing.
6. Under Agenda Item 7 Other Business and Future Work, the Committee agreed that the sections in brackets in the Draft Codex Standards for Limes and Pummelos, which were advanced at Step 8 at the 7th session of CCFFV, with the understanding that these sections would be finalized at the 8th Session of the Committee[2].
7. The Committee agreed to discuss Agenda Item 5(a) Discussion Paper on the Need for a Specific Code of Practice for the Quality Inspection and Certification of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables after Agenda Item 2.
8. The Committee adopted the Agenda as revised.