180. The Committee deleted from the List the products for which a standard had been finalized or was under consideration, and noted that Fresh Fungus Chanterelle had been added as proposed by the CCFFV and indicated above (see para. 10). The Committee agreed to the proposal of the Delegation of Thailand to include Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L. ) and amended the list accordingly, as presented in Appendix XII.
181. The Delegation of Uruguay, supported by several delegations stressed the need to define priorities in the light of the importance of products in international trade and referred to its earlier proposal to undertake work on apples. The following delegations proposed to undertake work on specific products for the next session: Colombia (passion fruit and tree tomato), Costa Rica (yam), Brazil (strawberries), Mexico (tomatoes), Chile (kiwifruit and table grapes) and India (table grapes). The Committee recognized that, although several standards had been finalized during the current session, the programme of work was still very extensive and several important subjects remained to be discussed; it should therefore ensure that its objectives were practically achievable. The Committee agreed to undertake further work on three new products and had an extensive discussion on the standards, which should be considered at the next session.
182. The Observer from the EC expressed the view that duplication of work should be avoided, and supported the elaboration of Codex standards only for products which were not currently standardized under UNECE. However, the revision of the standards for apples/pears and kiwis was currently under consideration in the UNECE and it would be preferable for countries interested in these products to participate in UNECE work. The Observer pointed out that all member countries of the United Nations had the possibility to participate with an equal status in the discussion of UNECE; those countries which encountered difficulties in the application of UNECE standards could present their views in this framework rather than developing different standards.
183. This position was supported by the Delegations of the United States, Switzerland and Germany. The Delegation of Spain pointed out that the development of parallel standardization activities in Codex while consultations were still ongoing in the UNECE was likely to create additional problems in international trade.
184. The Delegations of Mexico, Chile and Brazil, while recognizing the importance of UNECE standards, stressed the need to develop standards at the international level within Codex and for that purpose, the UNECE standards, developed on a regional basis, would be used as a reference. They pointed out that Codex was an independent body and the progress of its work should not be delayed or conditioned by the work of other organizations, notwithstanding the overall need for cooperation. This position was supported by several delegations.
185. The Secretariat recalled that following the extension of the Terms of Reference of the CCFFV, a very effective cooperation had been implemented with the UNECE Secretariat, with a view to facilitating the elaboration of Codex standards which would be harmonized with the UNECE standards. This was evidenced in current work on citrus fruits and on asparagus, which had allowed to facilitate consensus in an area which was still under consideration in UNECE. Similar cooperation and procedures would be followed in the elaboration of any other standard for products covered by UNECE standard, as specified in the mandate of the Committee. The Secretariat also drew the attention of the Committee to the advice of the UN Legal Counsel concerning the international status of Codex standards as related to UNECE standards.
186. The Committee agreed to initiate work on the standardization of apples, tomatoes and table grapes, subject to approval by the Commission, and agreed that the following countries would prepare proposed draft standards for consideration by the next session:
- Apples (Uruguay)187. The Delegation of Germany and the Observer from the EC expressed their disagreement with this decision, for the reasons exposed above. The Delegation of Switzerland expressed its disagreement with the decision concerning apples but had no objection concerning the other products.
- Tomatoes (Mexico)
- Table Grapes (Chile/India)
188. The Delegation of Argentina offered to participate in the work on apples and the Delegation of the United States in the work on apples, table grapes and tomatoes, as may be needed. The Chairman recalled that the current cooperation with UNECE would proceed in the development of these standards, as it had been current practice so far, in order to achieve harmonization of standards and to avoid duplication.