191. The Committee noted that its Ninth Session was tentatively scheduled to be held in Mexico City in the first week of September 2000, subject to final confirmation by the Mexican and Codex Secretariats.
SECRETARIAT NOTE: The 7th Session of CCFFV advanced the Draft Codex Standard for Limes and Pummelos to the Commission for adoption at Step 8 with the understanding that the sections in square brackets (Section 2.1.2 -Minimum Juice Content and Section 3 - Provisions concerning Sizing for Limes and Section 3 - Provisions concerning Sizing for Pummelos) would be finalized by the eighth CCFFV[25]. However, in view of the heavy agenda for the Session, the Committee did not have time to consider these issues. In consequence, the above mentioned standards are held at Step 7 so that sections in square brackets may be considered and finalized by the next session of the Committee.