This standard applies to shoots of the varieties grown from Asparagus officinalis L., to be supplied fresh to consumers, after preparation and packaging. Asparagus for industrial processing is excluded.[61]
Asparagus shoots are classified into four groups according to colour:
- white asparagus;This standard does not apply to green and violet/green asparagus of less than 3 mm diameter and white and violet asparagus of less than 8 mm diameter, packed in uniform bundles or unit packages.- violet asparagus, having tips of a colour between pink and violet or purple and part of the shoot white;
- violet/green asparagus, part of which is of violet and green colouring;
- green asparagus having tips and most of the shoot green.
2.1 Minimum Requirements
In all classes, subject to the special provisions for each class and the tolerances allowed, the asparagus must be:
- whole;The cut at the base of the shoots must be as clean as possible.- fresh in appearance and fresh-smelling;
- sound, produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded;
- free from damage caused by unsuitable washing (the shoots may have been washed but not "soaked");
- clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter;
- practically free from pests affecting the general appearance of the produce;
- practically free from damage caused by pests;
- practically unbruised;
- free of abnormal external moisture, i. e., adequately "dried" if they have been washed or cooled with cold water;
- free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
In addition, shoots must be neither hollow, split, peeled nor broken. Small cracks which have appeared after harvesting are, however, allowed, so long as they do not exceed the limits laid down in Section 4.1, Quality Tolerances.
2.1.1 The development and condition of the asparagus must be such as to enable them:
- to withstand transport and handling, and2.2 Classification
- to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
Asparagus is classified into three classes defined below:
2.2.1 "Extra" Class
Shoots in this class must be of superior quality, very well formed and practically straight. Having regard to the normal characteristics of the group to which they belong, their tips must be very compact. For green asparagus grown under conditions which encourage rapid growth the tip shall be compact.
Only a few very slight traces of rust caused by non-pathogenic agents on the shoot, removable by normal peeling by the consumer, are allowed.
For the white asparagus group, the tips and shoots must be white; only a faint pink tint is allowed on the shoots.
Green asparagus must be totally green.
No traces of woodiness are allowed for the shoots in this class
The cut at the base of the shoots must be as square as possible. However, to improve presentation when the asparagus is packed in bundles, those on the outside may be slightly bevelled, so long as the bevelling does not exceed 1 cm.
2.2.2 Class I
Shoots in this class must be of good quality and well formed. They may be slightly curved. Having regard to the normal characteristics of the group to which they belong, their tips must be compact. For green asparagus grown under conditions which encourage rapid growth the tip may be slighty open.
Slight traces of rust caused by non-pathogenic agents removable by normal peeling by the consumer are allowed.
For the white asparagus group, a faint pink tint may appear on the tips and the shoots.
Green asparagus must at least be green for 80 percent of the length.
In the white asparagus group, no woody shoots are allowed. For the other groups, a trace of woodiness on the lower part is permissible, provided this woodiness disappears by normal peeling by the consumer.
The cut at the base of the shoots must be as square as possible.
2.2.3 Class II
This class includes shoots which do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements specified in Section 2.1 above. For green asparagus grown under conditions which encourage rapid growth the tip may be moderately open.
Compared with Class I, shoots may be less well formed, more curved and having regard to the normal characteristics of the group to which they belong, their tips may be slightly open.
Traces of rust caused by non-pathogenic agents, removable by normal peeling by the consumer are allowed.
The tips of white asparagus may have a colouration including a green tint.
The tips of violet asparagus may have a slight green tint.
Green asparagus must at least be green for 60 percent of the length.
Shoots may be slightly woody.
The cut at the base of the shoots may be slightly oblique.
Size is determined by the length and diameter of the shoot.
3.1 Sizing by Length
The length of the shoots must be:
- above 17 cm for long asparagus;The maximum length allowed for white and violet asparagus is 22 cm and for violet/green and green asparagus 27 cm.
- 12 to 17 cm for short asparagus;
- for Class II asparagus arranged, but not bundled in the package:a) white and violet: 12 to 22 cm,- under 12 cm for asparagus tips.
b) violet/green and green: 12 to 27 cm.
The maximum difference in length of shoots packed in firmly bound bundles must not exceed 5 cm.
3.2 Sizing by Diameter
The diameter of the shoots shall be measured at the mid-point of their length.
For green asparagus of uniform thickness (below 8 mm diameter), the diameter may be measured at the cut end.
The minimum diameter and sizing shall be:
Quality Class |
Colour Group |
Minimum Diameter |
Uniformity Provisions |
"Extra" |
White and violet |
12 mmm |
12 to 16 |
16 mm and over with a maximum variation of 8 mm in any single package
or bundle |
Violet/green and green |
3 mm |
Maximum variation of 8 mmm in any single package or bundle |
I |
White and violet |
10 mm |
10 to 16 |
16 mm and over with a maximum variation of 10 mmm in any single package
or bundle |
Violet/green and green |
3 mm |
Maximum variation of 8 mmm in any single package or bundle |
II |
White and violet |
8 mm |
No provisions as to uniformity prescribed |
Violet/green and green |
3 mm |
No provisions as to uniformity prescribed |
Tolerances in respect of quality and size shall be allowed in each package for produce not satisfying the requirements of the class indicated.
4.1. Quality Tolerances
4.1.1 "Extra" Class
Five percent by number or weight of shoots not satisfying the requirements of the class, but meeting those of Class I or, exceptionally, coming within the tolerance of that class, or having slight unscarred cracks appearing after harvesting.
4.1.2 Class I
Ten percent by number or weight of shoots not satisfying the requirements of the class, but meeting those of Class II or, exceptionally, coming within the tolerances of that class, or having slight unscarred cracks appearing after harvesting.
4.1.3 Class II
Ten percent by number or weight of shoots satisfying neither the requirements of the class nor the minimum requirements, with the exception of shoots affected by rotting or any other deterioration rendering it unfit for consumption.
In addition to the above, 10 percent by number or weight can be allowed for hollow shoots or shoots showing very slight cracks due to washing. In no case can there be more than 15 percent hollow shoots in each package or bundle.
4.2 Size Tolerances
For all classes, ten percent by number or weight of shoots not corresponding to the size indicated and deviating from the specified limits with a maximum deviation of 1 cm in length and 2 mm in diameter.
5.1 Uniformity
The contents of each package or each bundle in the same package must be uniform and contain only asparagus of the same origin, quality, colour group and size (if sized).
Nevertheless, with respect to colour, shoots of a different colour group may be allowed within the following limits:
a) white asparagus: 10 percent by number or weight of violet asparagus in Classes Extra and I and 15 percent in Class II.In the case of Class II a mixture of white and violet asparagus is allowed provided it is appropriately marked.b) violet, violet/green and green asparagus: 10 percent by number or weight of asparagus of another colour group.
The visible part of the contents of the package or bundle must be representative of the entire contents.
5.2 Packaging
The asparagus must be packed in such a way to protect the produce properly.
The materials used inside the package must be new[62], clean and of a quality such as to avoid causing any external or internal damage to the produce. The use of materials, particularly of paper or stamps bearing trade specifications is allowed provided the printing or labelling has been done with non-toxic ink or glue.
Packages must be free of all foreign matter.
Asparagus shall be packed in each container in compliance with the Code of Practice for the Packaging and Transport of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CAC/RCP 44-1995).
5.3 Presentation
The asparagus may be presented:
(i) In bundles firmly bound.6. MARKING AND LABELLINGShoots on the outside of each bundle must correspond in appearance and diameter with the average of the whole bundle.
In extra class, asparagus shoots packed in bundles must be of the same length.
Bundles must be arranged evenly in the package, each bundle may be protected by paper. In any one package, bundles must be of the same weight.
(ii) Arranged, but not bundled in the package.
6.1 Consumers Packages
In addition to the requirements of the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985. Rev. 1-1991), the following specific provisions should apply:
6.1.1 Nature of Produce
If the produce is not visible from the outside, the contents of each package should be labelled as to the name of the food and may be labelled as to the name of the variety.
6.2 Non-retail Containers
Each package must bear the following particulars, in letters grouped on the same side, legibly and indelibly marked and visible from the outside or on accompanying documents.[63]
6.2.1 Identification
Name and address of exporter, packer and/or dispatcher. Identification code (optional).[64]
6.2.2 Nature of Produce
"Asparagus" followed by the indication "white", "violet", violet/green" or "green" if the contents of the package are not visible from the outside and, where appropriate, the indication "short" or "tips" or "mixture white and violet".
6.2.3 Origin of Produce
Country of origin and optionally district where grown, or national, regional or local place name.
6.2.4 Commercial Description
- Class;6.2.5 Official Inspection Mark (optional).- Size expressed:
a) for asparagus subject to the uniformity rules as minimum and maximum diameters,- for asparagus packed in bundles or unit packages, the number of bundles or the number of unit packages.b) for asparagus not subject to the uniformity rules, as minimum diameter followed by maximum diameter or the words "and over".
7.1 Heavy Metals
Asparagus shall not exceed with those maximum levels for heavy metals established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for this commodity.
7.2 Pesticide Residues
Asparagus shall not exceed with those maximum residue limits established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for this commodity.
8.1 It is recommended that the product covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared and handled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3-1997), and other relevant Codex texts such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.
The product should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with the Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997)