The Oxford System of Decimal Classification for Forestry
Prepared by the Joint FAO/IUFRO Committee on Bibliography in collaboration with the Commonwealth Forestry Bureau, Oxford, England, and recommended by the Conference of FAO and the Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations for adoption by member countries.
English version
Published by: The Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux (on behalf of IUFRO), Central Sales Branch, Farnham Royal, England.
10s. 0d. per copy, post free; interleaved copies 12s. 6d. post free
German version
Published by: Deutsche Zentralstelle für forstliche Bibliographie, Freiburg i. Br., Bertoldstrasse 17, W. Germany.
10 DM per copy, post free; interleaved copies 12 DM post free
Spanish version
Published by: Comisión Española de Bibliografía y Terminología Forestal. Copies obtainable from: Instituto Forestal de Investigaciones y Experiencias, Apartado Número 8.111, Madrid; or from Librerías Espasa Calpe y Agrícola, Madrid.
150 pesetas (133 pages with paper cover)
French version
Published by: L'Ecole des Eaux et Forêts, 14, rue Girardet, Nancy, France.
16 new francs post free
FAO Mediterranean Development Project
The Integrated Development of Mediterranean Agriculture and Forestry in relation to Economic Growth - A Study and Proposals for Action
This report grew out of a series of studies and intergovernmental consultations undertaken over the last few years on the problems of agriculture, forestry and general economic development in the countries of the Mediterranean region. It is a general analysis of the problem of accelerated development of land and water resources in the area and its economic, technical and social implications. It deals with the formulation of appropriate policies and programs for the next twenty years and makes specific recommendations for action at national, international, regional and subregional levels. Summaries of the ten country studies are given in the over-all report and the full texts are available separately, on request, in mimeographed form in the languages in which they were prepared.
Over-all report $2.00 or 10s. 0d.