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The SLA has not been discussed in the academic literature; the literature reviewed here therefore includes mainly documents, reports produced by donor agencies, NGOs, independent reports contracted by these organizations and discussions posted on web-sites. ANR issues on the other hand have received much coverage in the academic literature; but none of this has been related to SLA. Most of the papers and documents reviewed here are available on-line and most even have annotations on line; I have included full references only for those papers that are not available on-line. The following are some useful web-sites for tracking SLA in relation to major development themes; none of these are specific to ANR issues so apart from looking up the references in this paper, the reader has to trawl the sites. is a web-site dedicated specifically to the advancement and development of the SLA funded by the Department for International Development and managed by the Institute of Development Studies. It includes a list of key documents on SLA (including the SL Guidance Sheets) and organizations working on SL issues. The web-site hosts discussion groups and publishes the proceedings of DfID funded seminars on key development themes; including natural resource management and the environment. The web-site includes a lessons section in which lessons from the field are collected and analysed and a regular email update. has two useful web-sites that review and annotate recent literature on development. One is the eldis site and the other is the ID21 service; both can be searched for literature on SLA and sustainable development. this web-site will have official documents on SLA published by the DfID but most of the non-official reports produced by DfID will be available on the three sites mentioned above. is another useful web-site on general SL Issues. This site has information on the poverty-environment initiative which has some good overview reports on ANR issues, though these are mainly sectoral reports and not specific to SLA. is good for policy and institutional issues. provides information on ODI's work on Sustainable Livelihoods the Natural Resource Perspective Papers have useful recent updates on ANR issues; the Working Papers published by ODI have been running a special series on Sustainable Livelihoods. ODI also published Key Issues papers on Development; many of these have ANR themes. has information on the research project 'Institutionalising Participatory Approaches and Processes for Natural Resource Management' managed by the IIED Rural Livelihoods and Environment Group. describes the experiences of the Decentralised Livestock Services in Indonesia Project, which developed and tested a range of improved, more client-oriented approaches to livestock service provision and management at field, district and national levels. This site is interesting as DELIVERI is one of the projects most often cited as having made positive use of the SLA.


Adato, M. and R. Meinzen-Dick (2002) Assessing the Impact of Agricultural Research on Poverty Using the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework International Food Policy Research Institute - available online

Arnold, J.(1999) 'Forestry and Sustainable Rural Livelihoods' in Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: What Contribution Can We Make? ed. D. Carney Department for International Development

Altarelli, V. and A. Carloni (2000) Inter-Agency Experiences and Lessons Food and Agricultural Organisation, Rural Development Division (2000) - available online

Ashley, C and S. Maxwell (2001) Rethinking Rural Development Development Policy Review

Ashley, C. (2000) Applying Livelihood Approaches to Natural Resource Management Initiatives: Experiences in Namibia and Kenya Overseas Development Institute - available online

Ashley, C. (2000) The Impacts of Tourism on Rural Livelihoods: Namibia's Experience, Overseas Development Institute - available online

Ashley, C. and D. Carney (1999) Sustainable Livelihoods: Lessons From Early Experience, Department For International Development - available online

Ashley, C. and Hussein, K. (2000) Developing Methodologies for Livelihood Impact Assessment: Experience of the African Wildlife Foundation in East Africa Working Paper 129, Overseas Development Institute - available online

Batterbury, S. (2002) Livelihood Systems in Niger available on

Baumann, P. (2001) Linking Development with Democratic Processes in India: Political Capital and Sustainable Livelihoods Overseas Development Institute - available on line

Baumann, P. (2000) Sustainable Livelihoods and Political Capital: Arguments and Evidence from Decentralisation and Natural Resource Management in India Overseas Development Institute - available online

Bebbington, A. (1999) Capitals and Capabilities: a Framework for Analysing Peasant Viability, Rural Livelihods and Poverty International Institute for Environment and Development - available online

Bevan, P (2000) Direct assistance to poor and vulnerable people for greater livelihood security CDS, University of Bath/ Department for International Development - available online

Bond, R. and N. Mukherjee (2001) Livelihood Asset Tracking (LAST): A Case from Rajasthan Impact Assessment for Sustainable Development Unit, IDPM

Booth, D; J. Holland; J. Hentschel; P. Lanjouw; A. Herbert Participation and Combined Methods in African Poverty Assessment: Renewing the Agenda Overseas Development Institute (1998) - available online

Boyd, C.; Blench, R.; Bourn, D.; Drake, L.; Stevenson, P. (1999) Reconciling Interests Among Wildlife, Livestock And People In Eastern Africa: A Sustainable Livelihoods Approach, Overseas Development Institute - available online

Brock, K. (1999) Implementing A Sustainable Livelihoods Framework for Policy-Directed Research: Reflections from Practice In Mali Institute of Development Studies - available online

Bryceson, D. (2001) Rural Africa at the crossroads: livelihood practices and policies Produced by: Overseas Development Institute - available online

Carney, D. (1999) Approaches to Sustainable Livelihoods for the Rural Poor Overseas Development Institute - available online

Carney, D.; M. Drinkwater; T. Rusinow; K. Neefjes; S. Wanmali; N. Singh (1999) Livelihoods Approaches Compared. A Brief Comparison of the Livelihoods Approaches of the Livelihoods Approaches of the UK Department for International Development (DFID), CARE, Oxfam and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Department For International Development (1999) - available online

Carney, D. (ed) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: What Contribution Can We Make Papers presented at the Department for International Development's Natural Resources Advisers Conference, July 1998. Department For International Development (1998) -

Conway, T; C. Moser; A. Norton and J. Farrington (2002) Rights and Livelihood Approaches: Exploring Policy Dimensions Overseas Development Institute - available online

DFID (2002) DfID Sustainable Livelihoods Seminar Series 2001-2002 'Rural Poverty and Natural Resources: Summary' Available on-line from www.livelihoods.connect

DFID (2002) Better Livelihoods for Poor People: The Role of Agriculture Issues Paper: Consultation Document, Department for International Development: London - available online.

DFID (2002) Poverty and the Environment: Measuring the Links, A Study of Poverty-Environment Indicators with Case Studies from Nepal, Nicaragua and Uganda, Environment Policy Department, Issue Paper, No.2, February 2002, Department for International Development: London

DFID (2001) Poverty and the Environment: What the Poor Say; An Assessment of Poverty-Environment Linkages in Participatory Poverty Assessments, Environment Policy Department, Issues Paper No. 1, October 2001, Department for International Development: London

DFID (2000-) The Sustainable Livelihoods Guidance Sheets Department for International Development - available online

DFID / FAO (2000) Proceedings from the Forum on Operationalising Sustainable Livelihood Approaches, Siena 7-11 March Department for International Development: London and Food and Agricultural Organisation: Rome.

DFID; ODI (1998-2002) Key sheets for sustainable livelihoods Department for International Development and Overseas Development Institute) - available online

DFID/EU/UNDP/WORLD BANK Linking Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management: Policy Challenges and Opportunities A Contribution to the World Summit on Sustainable Development Processes, January 2002.

Dick, K. and Brustinow, A. Country Case Study: Russia Sustainable Rural Livelihoods - A snapshot from Pilot Project Development in Russia Department For International Development - available online

Ditchburn, L; G. Armstrong; J. Wheatley (1999) Sustainable Livelihoods Approach in Latin America: Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico and Central America Department For International Development (1999) - available online

Drinkwater, M. and Rusinow, T. (1999) Application of CARE's Livelihoods Approach, CARE International UK (1999) - available online

Ekbom, A. and J. Bojo (1999) Poverty and Environment: Evidence of Links and Integration ino the Country Assistance Strategy Process Environment Group, Africa Region, World Bank: Washington D.C.

Ellis, F. (1999) Rural Livelihood Diversity in Developing Countries: Evidence and Policy Implications Natural Resource Perspectives No 40 Overseas Development Institute: London

Ellis, F. (1998) Household strategies and rural livelihood diversification Journal of Development Studies Vol.35, No.1, pp.1-38.

Farrington, F. (2001) Sustainable Livelihoods, Rights and the New Architecture of Aid, Overseas Development Institute (2001) - available online

Farrington, F; D. Carney; C. Ashley; C. Turton (1999) Sustainable Livelihood in Practice: Early Applications of Concepts in Rural Areas Overseas Development Institute (1999) - available online

Goldman, I.; Roos, M. and Jacobs, E. (2001) Experiences with Development Planning using the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach Livelihoods Connect - available online

Goodrich, R. (2001) Sustainable rural livelihoods: a summary of research in Mali and Ethiopia Institute of Development Studies - available online

Haan, A.; K. Brock; G. Carswell; N. Coulibaly; H. Seba; K.A. Toufique (2000) Migration and Livelihoods: Case Studies in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Mali Institute of Development Studies - available online

Hobley, M. (2001) Unpacking the PIP box Hobley-Shields Associates (2001) - available online

Hobley, M. and D. Shields The Reality of Trying to Transform Structures and Processes: Forestry in Rural Livelihoods Overseas Development Institute (2000) - available online

Kydd, J. A. Dorward; C. Poulton (2000) Globalisation And Its Implications For The Natural Resources Sector: A Closer Look At The Role Of Agriculture In The Global Economy, Livelihoods Connect - available online

Macqueen, D. (2001) Measurement Malaise - is the SL approach inoperable? Natural Resources International - not available online

Mehta, L; M. Leach; P. Newell; I. Scoones; K. Sivaramakrishnan; S. Way (1999) Exploring Understandings of Institutions and Uncertainty: New Directions in Natural Resource Management IDS Discussion Paper, No. 372, Institute of Development Studies - available online

Mearns, R.; Leach, M.; Scoones, I. (2000) The institutional dynamics of community-based natural resource management: an entitlements approach IDS Sussex - available online

Moser, C. (1998) The Asset Vulnerability Framework: Reassessing Urban Poverty Reduction Strategies World Development Vol.26, No.2, pp. 1-19

Moser, C; A. Norton; T. Conway; C. Ferguson; P. Vizard (2001) To Claim our Rights: Livelihood Security, Human Rights and Sustainable Development Overseas Development Institute - available online

Neefjes, K. (1999) Oxfam GB and Sustainable Livelihoods: Lessons from Learning, Oxfam - available online

Nicol A. (2000) Adopting a Sustainable Livelihoods Approach to Water Projects: Implications for Policy and Practice Working Paper No.133 Overseas Development Institute (2000)

Norton, A. and Foster, M. (2001) The potential of using sustainable livelihoods approaches in poverty reduction strategy papers Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (2001) - available online

Parakh Hoon,; Singh, Naresh; Wanmali, S.S.; UNDP Sustainable Livelihoods: Concepts, Principles and Approaches to Indicator Development: A Draft Discussion Paper Sustainable Livelihoods Programme, UNDP (1997) not available online

Pasteur, K. (2001) Tools for Sustainable Livelihoods: Project and Programme Planning Institute of Development Studies - available online

Pasteur, K. (2001) Changing Organisations for Sustainable Livelihoods: A Map to Guide Change Lessons for Change in Policy and Organisations, No.1 Institute of Development Studies: Brighton.

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Scoones, I. (1998) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: A Framework for Analysis, Institute of Development Studies (1998) - available online

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Shackleton, S.; C. Shackleton; B. Cousins (2000) Re-Valuing the Communal Lands of Southern Africa: New Understandings of Rural Livelihoods Overseas Development Institute (2000) - available online

Shankland, A. (2000) Analysing Policy for Sustainable Livelihoods Institute of Development Studies - available online

Smith, D (2001) Can SL Approaches Learn from Environmental Mainstreaming Environment Resources Management - available online

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Toner, A. and Howlett, D (2001) Goodbye to Projects? The Institutional Impacts of a Livelihoods Approach on Development Interventions Department for International Development - available online

Turton, C. (2001) Livelihood Monitoring and Evaluation: Improving the Impact and Relevance of Development Interventions In-Development LTD - available online

Turton, C. (2000) Enhancing Livelihoods through Participatory Watershed Development in India Overseas Development Institute - available online

Turton, C. (2000) Sustainable Livelihoods and Project Design in India Overseas Development Institute - available online

Turton, C. (2000) The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach and Programme Development in Cambodia Overseas Development Institute - available online

Yaron and White (2002) Mainstreaming Cross-Cutting Themes in Programme and Sector Aid: The Case of Environmental Issues Natural Resource Perspectives, Number 77 Overseas Development Institute - available online.

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World Bank (2000) Attacking Poverty: World Development Report 2000/2001 World Bank, Annotations and Useful Web-Sites: A Guide to the Literature on SL-ANR Linkages.

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