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Map of Mozambique showing the study area

The Disaster Mitigation for Sustainable Livelihoods Programme at the University of Cape Town (DiMP) would like to express its appreciation to a number of key people and organisations who generously gave of their time and support in the course of this research.

We are grateful to all those who set aside time from their busy schedules to participate in interviews and to provide information relevant to Assessing the Role of Local Institutions in Reducing the Vulnerability of At-Risk Communities in Búzi, Central Mozambique.

In this context we would like to thank specifically community members, traditional and administrative authorities within the Munamícua and Boca, Bândua and Estaquinha, and Búzi districts, and the Sofala provincial authorities in Búzi and Beira respectively, the national government in Maputo, the UN family, the INGC (Maputo and Beira) the Mozambican Red Cross (CVM) in Beira and Búzi, GTZ-Proder, as well as NGOs and individuals that directly or indirectly contributed in different ways and at different stages of the research.

In particular we would also like to thank individually Nicolas Lamade from the GTZ and Franziska Steinbruch from CIG-UCM, who supported the research both intellectually and logistically. Special thanks are also due to the principals of the Estaquinha and Bândua secondary schools who provided accommodation for the team.

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