1. The Workshop on the Implementation of the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Pacific Islands: A Call to Action, was held at the Fiji Mocambo Hotel in Nadi, Fiji, from 27 to 31 October 2003.
2. The Workshop was attended by 32 participants from FAO Members, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and by five resource persons. A list of participants and resource persons is attached as Appendix B.
3. The Technical Secretary of the Workshop, Dr David Doulman, Senior Fishery Liaison Officer, Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome, Italy, called the Workshop to order, welcoming participants, resource persons and FAO colleagues. He outlined technical matters relating to the Workshop and then read a statement on behalf of Mr Ichiro Nomura, Assistant Director-General, Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome. This statement is attached as Appendix D.
4. The Workshop Coordinator, Mr Masanami Izumi, Fishery Officer, FAO Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific Islands, Apia, Samoa, also welcomed participants, resource persons and FAO staff to the Workshop on behalf Dr. Vili Fuavao, FAO Sub-Regional Representative for the Pacific, Apia, Samoa. Mr Izumi informed the Workshop that Dr Fuavao, unfortunately, was unable to attend because of urgent matters requiring his attention in Apia. Mr Izumi then outlined administrative arrangements for the Workshop.
5. Dr Transform Aqorau, Legal Adviser, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Suva, Fiji, was selected as Workshop Facilitator. He stated that it was an honour to assume this role in the Workshop given its importance for the region. He underscored the need for good governance in fisheries, as envisaged in the Code of Conduct, if the lives of Pacific islanders were to be improved. Dr. Aqorau reminded participants that the Workshop was the beginning in the process towards the promotion of greater responsibility in fisheries, pointing out that economic development in the Pacific Islands required a sustainable resource base if present and future generations were to benefit from the utilization of the region's fish stocks.
6. The Agenda for the Workshop is attached as Appendix A and the list of documents is attached as Appendix C.