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Overall Statement

TAC is grateful to the Chairman, Dr. Graham Jenkins, and Members of the CIMMYT Fourth External Programme and Management Review Panel for a comprehensive and constructive report. The Panel chose the 1993 IER as the starting point for this Review, considering that the last EPMR was conducted in 1988. The Committee notes with satisfaction the Panel's extremely favourable view of the Centre, that it conducts high quality science, has an impressive record of achievements, and is well governed and managed. TAC also notes the projections of high demand for maize and wheat in developing countries and the implications this has for the expansion of CIMMYT's work.

The Committee considers the organization of the Review to have been exemplary, and is satisfied that the Centre was given the opportunity to check factual aspects before the report was finalised. The report must be read in full because references to the same theme are in some cases found in different chapters and the many useful suggestions are not highlighted or grouped together in the text. In the course of planning future reviews, TAC will take into account the Panel's opinion on the use of consultants, and on the earlier interim and centre-commissioned external reviews.

TAC notes that the Panel made 20 recommendations, 17 of which have been endorsed by CIMMYT and action already taken in many cases. The three others were endorsed with qualification. TAC, in general, endorses the Panel's recommendations and offers the following additional commentary which was prepared with inputs from the CGIAR Secretariat.

Priority setting and Resource Allocation

The Review has suggested that priority setting processes be improved at CIMMYT, with better information provided to the Board and a more active role of the Economics Programme in this area. TAC encourages the Centre to clarify its priority setting procedure and looks forward to seeing the more explicit links between priorities and resource allocation, which CIMMYT is proposing to make.

Research Programme

· TAC strongly supports the Centre's transition from a programme- to a project-based approach to management, which was also encouraged by the Panel. It concurs with the Panel on the need to finalise the project write-ups and include precise and realistic milestones. The Committee particularly looks forward to seeing the synergies resulting through the projects from closer collaboration within CIMMYT in areas noted by the Panel including biotechnology, breeding, economics and natural resource management research.

· The Committee concurs with the Panel's recommendations that a global monitoring Programme for rusts be established by CIMMYT and that breeding strategies are developed to incorporate durable resistance traits. TAC notes that the Centre has made significant progress along these lines and that it is firmly committed to this goal which is essential to the sustainability of wheat.

· TAC is impressed by the leadership of CIMMYT in its move to incorporate biotechnological tools such as molecular markers, developed by the Applied Biotechnology Centre in its maize and wheat breeding programmes. TAC notes that such work on wheat lags that on maize and encourages CIMMYT to press further the integration of biotechnology in the Wheat Programme also.

Partnership with NARS

The Committee notes the Panel's observation that CIMMYT serves many audiences (e.g. NARS, host country, the scientific community, financial partners and the CGIAR System). It is recognized that CIMMYT has successfully involved NARS in the development and implementation of its research, training and networking programmes. TAC shares the Panel's concern that some weaker NARS will deserve special attention and support. The Committee is impressed by the role of CIMMYT's outreach staff, in the four regional locations, as excellent conduits between the regions and headquarters. TAC encourages CIMMYT to consider stronger NARS as full partners in the implementation of its activities, particularly in areas which NARS have a comparative advantage.


TAC observed CIMMYT's initiative to expand its investment in training for 1998 and beyond. This would allow NARS scientists working on wheat and maize to gain cutting-edge knowledge in their specific disciplines and research interests. TAC urges CIMMYT to give special attention to specialist training to meet the growing needs of NARS in areas such as biotechnology, genetics, economic analysis of research, impact assessment methodologies, GIS and modelling for natural resource management.


The Panel gave relatively little attention to the dramatic implications of domestic inflation and the rising value of the Mexican peso for the Centre's operation which, together with a simultaneous reduction in CGIAR funds, necessitated substantial downscaling and led to declines in staff morale in the recent past.

TAC notes with satisfaction the Panel's very favourable opinion of CIMMYT's management. The Committee fully agrees on the importance of optimising financial and information management and encourages CIMMYT to continue its efforts in these areas. TAC is particularly pleased that, in the Panel's view, CIMMYT shows strong leadership in the area of management of intellectual property rights, because of the current importance of the subject to the System as a whole.


In its response to the recommendations of the EPMR, CIMMYT has made observations regarding the implications of new finance arrangements in the CGIAR for the management and governance of the Centre. TAC has considered these observations with great interest and agrees with them in general. Active involvement of the Board in formulation of strategy and priorities is essential to provide the framework within which management would have greater operational flexibility. Board performance should be considered in the light of these funding realities. TAC commends CIMMYT's Board of Trustees for already responding positively to the Panel's recommendations on its operation.

Monitoring Progress

TAC concurs with the Panel that it is too early to assess the effectiveness of the new project-based approach to research management and endorses the Panel's recommendation that a CCER be conducted by mid 2000 to assess progress in its implementation. The Committee expects to be kept informed of the outcome of this review.

System Issues

The Committee considers that one of the important contributions of this Review, and CIMMYT's response, was to draw the attention of the CGIAR to the urgent need for Centres and members to ensure full cost recovery, especially in view of the rapid proportional increase in restricted funding. TAC concurs fully and notes that the CGIAR's existing general policies call for full cost recovery. The CGIAR Guidelines for preparing allocation proposals require centres to fully allocate all costs to project budgets.


Sustainable Maize and Wheat Systems for the Poor

Professor T. G. Reeves
Director General

12 February, 1998
Ref.: TGR-L042.98

Dr. D.L. Winkelmann
Rome, Italy
fax: (39-6) 522 53298

Dr. Alexander von der Osten
Executive Secretary
Washington, DC
Fax: IVDN 6908110

Dear Dr. Winkelmann and Dr. von der Osten,

Enclosed herewith is CIMMYT's response to the Center's 4th External Program and Management Review. Overall, we found the Review report to be extraordinarily positive, and highly supportive of the continuing importance and impact of CIMMYT's work for the resource-poor. You will see that we agree with the vast majority of the recommendations made.

The review process was carried out in a highly professional manner and we wish to record our sincere thanks and congratulations to Dr. Graham Jenkins and his team. We found their approach to be extremely thorough, often 'hard hitting' but also fair and open. Both CIMMYT staff and management appreciated the inputs and interactions of the review team.

We are already in the process of addressing the Review's recommendations and implementing them accordingly, although it is fair to say that for some we were already in the process of change.

Thank you to both of you and Secretariat staff for your contributions to this favourable review of CIMMYT. We particularly thank Dr. Guido Gryseels for his superb organization and devotion to duty.

With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,

Professor T.G. Reeves
Director General

Walter P. Falcon
Chairman, Board of Trustees

cc: Dr. Graham Jenkins, Chair, EPMR Panel, fax (44-1223) 87 15 39


Lisboa 27, Apdo. Postal 6-641
06600 Mexico, D.F., MEXICO (Mexico City office)

Fax: (52)(5) 726-7585
Email: [email protected]

@ Mexico, D.F.: (52)(5) 726-9091
@ Texcoco: (52)(595) 5 4400

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