Swine health management. Volume 3: Frequently asked questions on pig biosecurity and disease reporting


Swine health management
Volume 3: Frequently asked questions on pig biosecurity and disease reporting

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok 2012


Commercial pig production has intensified significantly in recent decades. In Asia, this trend is characterized by an increase in production stemming from larger herd sizes. As more and more gilts and young sows populate herds, the risk of disease from these young animals increases. This is compounded by the growing movement of animals and the consequent risks of the introduction of new diseases. There are ever increasing reports of swine disease outbreaks in Asia. The adverse socio-economic impacts of such diseases are significant. This publication is part of a three-volume set showcasing effective swine disease management in smallholder settings. This volume on pig biosecurity and disease reporting is a compilation of answers to questions raised by pig producers in the course of doing field work on swine health management.

Table of Contents

Pig biosecurity
    What is biosecurity
    Why do we need to implement biosecurity measures?
    What biosecurity measures can be implemented in a farm?
    Farm personnel
    Grow-out pigs
    Pests and pets
    Vechicles and equipment
    Water and feed
    Are there other ways to prevent animal diseases?
Disease reporting
    Why do we need to report animal diseases?
    When do we need to report animal diseases?
    Where do we report animal diseases?
    List of common disinfectants

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ISBN 978-92-5-107479-4

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For copies write to:Carolyn Benigno
Animal Health Officer
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