Survey objectives.
The general objectives of the programme as discussed and agreed at the planning meeting in Trinidad, 12-14 January are summarized in the Preliminary Report of Cruise No. I Part I. In the following the objectives for Survey II are clarified and amended on the basis of experience from previous surveys and from discussions with representatives of the participating Venezuelan institutions.
Oriente. In principle the programme should be a repetition of that of previous surveys. The main aim of the acoustic work is an estimate of the distribution, composition and biomass of the sardine stock. Sampling with mid water trawl at night in sardine areas should be given priority. The easternmost hydrographic profile should be worked off Cabo Tres Puntas. The pre-positioned trawl programme should be repeated with largely the same coverage as before, and as in the first and third surveys with some tests for deep water shrimps especially Penaeopsis, Solenocera and Aristeid species in 300 -400 m and Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus and Pleoticus robustus at greater depths. Coverage of the small Blanquilla shelf where in the previous surveys only low catches were made in few trawlable locations will not be repeated. Loligo squids at mid shelf should be given attention by day and shrimp more inshore by night. Loligo catch rates may perhaps increase again compared with August. Low priority may be assigned to the shelf inside the Cariaco Trench.
Western Coast and Gulf of Venezuela. The following hydrographic profiles should be worked if time permits: Cabo Codera abt. 50 nm, Pta. Sabana abt 20 nm, Cabo San Roman and Gulf of Venezuela (all as in Survey 3). Hauls for deep sea shrimp should be worked as time permits especially in the area off Cabo Codera - La Guaira. Here the small bank north of La Guaira should be included in the bottom trawl programme.
Otherwise the acoustic - and trawl survey programmes should be repeated with some emphasis on positions where squid rates (both Loligo and Illex) were high during Survey 1.
The following scientific staff participated from Venezuela:
Port of Spain to La Guaira: Diana Zaera, Ayuramy Alcalá, Leo Walter Gonzales, Ramon Guzman, Luis Marcano and Jesus Segovia.La Guaira to Punto Fijo: Ayuramy Alcalá, Diana Zaera, Roberto Cipriani, Douglas Altuve, Jesus Segovia and Bladimir Rodrigues.
Up to La Guaira the scientific staff from IMR was: G. Sætersdal, O. Alvheim, J. Kolding, I. Svellingen, M. Dahl and Gabriella Bianchi.
From La Guaira on the staff was: I. Svellingen, O. Alvheim, M. Dahl and Gabriella Bianchi.