Selected Indicators of Food and Agriculture Development in Asia-Pacific Region 1992-2002


Table of Contents

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© FAO, 2003

Map of Asia and the Pacific is used courtesy of The General Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin. The pictures on the cover, counter clockwise from the top, were taken by P. Johnson, Ministry of Agriculture on Forestry (Republic of Korea), F. Botts respectively. Tables were prepared by the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, on the basis of information available as of August 2003. Please note that growth rates take into consideration data that are not printed. Inquiries about the technical contents should be addressed to:

Senior Statistician
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
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Table of Contents



Table 1. Land use in 2001
Table 2. Agricultural land**
Table 3. Agricultural population
Table 4. Agricultural land and population


Table 5. Irrigation*
Table 6. Irrigated land as proportion of agricultural land
Table 7. Mineral fertilizers: consumption
Table 8. Mineral fertilizers: consumption per ha of agricultural land
Table 9. Agricultural tractors: number in use


Table 10. Agricultural production indices
Table 11. Food production indices


A. Cereals Crops

Table 12. Rice paddy: production
Table 13. Rice paddy: yield
Table 14. Rice paddy: area harvested
Table 15. Wheat: production
Table 16. Wheat: yield
Table 17. Wheat: area harvested
Table 18. Maize: production
Table 19. Maize: yield
Table 20. Maize: area harvested
Table 21. Millet: production
Table 22. Millet: yield
Table 23. Millet: area harvested
Table 24. Cereals: production
Table 25. Cereals: yield
Table 26. Cereals: area harvested

B. Roots and Tubers

Table 27. Cassava: production
Table 28. Cassava: yield
Table 29. Cassava: area harvested
Table 30. Sweet potatoes: production
Table 31. Sweet potatoes: yield
Table 32. Sweet potatoes: area harvested
Table 33. Potatoes: production
Table 34. Potatoes: yield
Table 35. Potatoes: area harvested
Table 36. Taro: production
Table 37. Taro: yield
Table 38. Taro: area harvested
Table 39. Roots and tubers: production
Table 40. Roots and tubers: yield
Table 41. Roots and tubers: area harvested

C. Pulses

Table 42. Pulses: production
Table 43. Pulses: yield
Table 44. Pulses: area harvested


Table 45. Groundnuts in shell: production
Table 46. Groundnuts in shell: yield
Table 47. Groundnuts in shell: area harvested
Table 48. Soybean: production
Table 49. Soybean: yield
Table 50. Soybean: area harvested
Table 51. Coconut: production
Table 52. Palm oil: production
Table 53. Oil crops (oil equivalent): production


Table 54. Fruits total (excluding melon): production
Table 55. Bananas: production
Table 56. Citrus fruit total: production
Table 57. Mangoes: production
Table 58. Vegetables total (incl. melons): production
Table 59. Cabbages: production
Table 60. Cabbages: yield
Table 61. Cabbages: area harvested
Table 62. Tomatoes: production
Table 63. Tomatoes: yield
Table 64. Tomatoes: area harvested
Table 65. Onions (dry): production
Table 66. Onions (dry): yield
Table 67. Onions (dry): area harvested


Table 68. Jute and jute-like fibres: production
Table 69. Jute and jute-like fibres: yield
Table 70. Jute and jute-like fibres: area harvested
Table 71. Seed cotton: production
Table 72. Seed cotton: yield
Table 73. Seed cotton: area harvested
Table 74. Raw silk: production (including waste)


Table 75. Natural rubber: production
Table 76. Sugar cane: production
Table 77. Sugar cane: yield
Table 78. Sugar cane: area harvested
Table 79. Coffee (green): production
Table 80. Coffee (green): yield
Table 81. Coffee (green): area harvested
Table 82. Tea: production
Table 83. Tea: yield
Table 84. Tea: area harvested
Table 85. Cocoa bean: production
Table 86. Cocoa bean: yield
Table 87. Cocoa bean: area harvested
Table 88. Chillies and peppers: production
Table 89. Chillies and peppers: yield
Table 90. Chillies and peppers: area harvested


Table 91. Livestock production indices: total
Table 92. Livestock production indices: per caput
Table 93. Cattle: population
Table 94. Buffalo: population
Table 95. Pig: population
Table 96. Sheep: population
Table 97. Goat: population
Table 98. Chicken: population
Table 99. Duck: population
Table 100. Meat total: production
Table 101. Beef and veal: production
Table 102. Buffalo meat: production
Table 103. Pig meat:production
Table 104. Mutton and lamb: production
Table 105. Goat meat: production
Table 106. Poultry meat: production
Table 107. Milk total: production
Table 108. Cow milk: production
Table 109. Buffalo milk: production
Table 110. Hen eggs: production


Table 111. Agricultural products: imports in value
Table 112. Agricultural products: exports in value
Table 113. Cereals: imports in volume
Table 114. Cereals: exports in volume
Table 115. Rice: imports in volume
Table 116. Rice: exports in volume
Table 117. Wheat + flour wheat equiv.: imports in volume
Table 118. Wheat + flour wheat equiv.: exports in volume
Table 119. Palm oil: imports in volume
Table 120. Palm oil: exports in volume
Table 121. Natural Rubber: Imports in Volume
Table 122. Natural Rubber: Exports in Volume
Table 123. Coffee (green + roast): imports in volume
Table 124. Coffee (green + roast): exports in volume
Table 125. Tea: imports in volume
Table 126. Tea: exports in volume
Table 127. Cotton lint: imports in volume
Table 128. Cotton lint: exports in volume
Table 129. Jute: imports in volume
Table 130. Jute: exports in volume
Table 131. Silk: Imports in Volume
Table 132. Silk: Exports in Volume


Table 133. Inland capture fisheries: production
Table 134. Marine capture fisheries: production
Table 135. Total capture fisheries: production
Table 136. Aquaculture: production*
Table 137. Fish and fish products: imports and exports in volume
Table 138. Fish and fish products: imports and exports in value


Table 139. Roundwood: production
Table 140. Fuelwood and charcoal: production
Table 141. Industrial Roundwood: production
Table 142. Sawlogs and veneer logs: production
Table 143. Sawnwood and sleepers: production
Table 144. Wood-based panels: production
Table 145. Wood pulp: production
Table 146. Paper and paperboard: production
Table 147. Forestry products: imports in value
Table 148. Forestry products: exports in value


Table 149. Per Caput Dietary Energy Supply (DES) and Proportion of Population with DES below Minimum Energy Requirement, 1990-92, 1995-97** and 1999-2001
Table 150. Daily per Capita Energy Availability from Major Food Groups: Vegetable and Animal Products
Table 151. Daily per Capita Energy Availability from Major Food Groups: Cereals, Rootcrops and Pulses
Table 152. Daily per Capita Energy Availability from Major Food Groups: Treenuts, Oilcrops, Fruits and Vegetables
Table 153. Daily per capita energy availability from major food groups: Sugar & sweeteners, alcoholic beverage, vegetable oil and animal fat
Table 154. Availability from Major Food Groups as Percentage of Total Dietary Energy Supply: Vegetable and Animal Products
Table 155. Availability from major food groups as percentage of total dietary energy supply: cereals, rootcrops and pulses
Table 156. Availability from major food groups as percentage of total dietary energy supply: treenuts, oilcrops, fruits and vegetables
Table 157. Availability from major food groups as percentage of total dietary energy supply: sugar, alcoholic beverage, vegetable oil and animal fats
Table 158. Desirable Dietary Patterns (DDP)
Table 159. Percentage of protein and fats from animal sources in total dietary energy supply
Table 160. Yearly per capita availability in kilogrammes from major food groups, 2001
Table 161. Some Population Indicators Affecting Nutritional Status


Table 162. Number and area of agricultural holdings
Table 163. Organic farming in Asia and the Pacific*
Table 164. Population and agricultural labour force
Table 165. Growth of GDP and Agricultural GDP
Table 166. Agriculture's share in GDP, growth rate of value added in agriculture and industry
Table 167. GNI per caput, its growth, inflation, and ODA receipts
Table 168. Food consumption, food imports and food aid