Code of practice for fish and fishery products




First edition

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World Health Organization
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Rome 2009

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ISBN 978-92-5-105914-2

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Section 1: Scope
Section 2: Definitions
Section 3: Prerequisite programme
Section 4: General considerations for the handling of fresh fish, shellfish and other aquatic invertebrates
Section 5: Hazard analysis and critical control point (haccp) and defect action point (dap) analysis
Section 6: Aquaculture production
Section 7: Live and raw bivalve molluscs
Section 8: Processing of fresh, frozen and minced fish
Section 9: Processing of frozen surimi
Section 10: Processing of quick-frozen coated fish products
Section 11: Processing of salted and dried salted fish
Section 12: Smoked fish
Section 13a: Lobsters
Section 13b: Crabs
Section 14: Processing of shrimps and prawns
Section 15: Processing of cephalopods
Section 16: Processing of canned fish, shellfish and other aquatic invertebrates
Section 17: Transportation
Section 18: Retail
Annex 1: Potential hazards associated with fresh fish, shellfish and other aquatic invertebrates