- Agreed in principle to
accept the criteria approach for evaluating methods of analysis for Codex purposes
(para. 17);- Agreed that the following quality criteria be adopted by laboratories
involved in the official import and export control of foods:
- Comply with
the general criteria for testing laboratories laid down in ISO/IEC Guide 25:1990
Participate in appropriate proficiency testing schemes for food analysis which
conform to the requirements laid down in The International Harmonized Protocol
for the Proficiency testing of (Chemical) Analytical Laboratories,
Whenever available, use methods of analysis which have been validated according
to the principles laid down by the Codex Alimentarius Commission; and
Use internal quality control procedures, such as those described in the Harmonized
Guidelines for Internal Quality Control in Analytical Chemistry Laboratories
(para. 21);
- Recommended the adoption of the IUPAC/ISO/AOAC Harmonized
Protocol for the use of Recovery Factors for Codex purposes when the protocol
was published by IUPAC (para. 27);
- Agreed to request Commodity Committees
to identify how extensive the problem of indirect determinations was in Codex
Standards (para. 30);
- Agreed to define selected core terms of direct relevance
to the work of Codex and circulate to governments and international organizations
for comments (para. 34);
- Noted the report of the Inter-Agency Meeting (para.
- Noted the progress report on review of standard methods of analysis and
sampling (para. 48);
- Requested commodity Committees to avoid selecting methods
of analysis which use ozone-depleting solvents (paras. 61 & 62) and
- Proposed
to undertake the following new work:
- Review of methods of analysis using
ozone-depleting substances and
- Measurement uncertainty (para. 66).