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24. The paper was prepared and presented by the Delegation of the United Kingdom. The Committee was informed that the paper was comprised of a collection of informal discussions by analysts on the issue of recovery factors. The application of recovery factors was of particular interest especially where the difference between a corrected and uncorrected result affects a product’s compliance with a specification provision.

25. The Committee noted that the Inter-Divisional Working Party of IUPAC was preparing questionnaires requesting information on the status of applying recovery factors. The Delegation of the United Kingdom requested that other delegations provide it comments concerning this initiative of IUPAC. It was noted that results of the survey would be the basis for an ISO/IUPAC/AOAC symposium, organized by AOAC International to be held during its annual meeting in Orlando, Florida. The Committee was informed that the protocol on recovery factors to be developed from the conclusions of the symposium might be published in 1998.

26. Many delegations felt the use of recovery factors to be an important topic. The Committee was informed that the paper did not address the factor of propagation of errors when using recovery factors. It was pointed out that some methods, such as those for residues of veterinary drugs and pesticides did not require correction for recovery. Recoveries had already been considered in setting up the maximum residue limit for the veterinary drug or pesticide as appropriate. It was also pointed out that it was necessary to know the nature of the analyte, whether it was free or non-free.

27. The Committee indicated its interest in the work on the use of recovery factors being undertaken by IUPAC. The Committee requested to be kept informed by IUPAC of the progress being made on the development of an IUPAC/ISO/AOAC Harmonized Protocol for the Use of Recovery Factors. In the future, the Committee might recommend the document to the Commission for adoption by reference for Codex purposes when the protocol was published by IUPAC.

[11] CX/MAS 95/5
Comment papers (IDF & IUPAC)

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