For further information on upcoming meetings, workshops and conferences please consult the
GTOS website
and the
GOFC-GOLD website
Spring |
GLCN Training Workshop |
Latin America |
Spring |
TCO data access workshop |
Prague, Czech Republic |
April |
GTOS Coastal Implementation Plan Workshop |
Washington DC, USA |
March |
GOFC-GOLD Global Geostationary Fire Monitoring Applications Workshop |
Darmstadt, Germany |
26 - 28 May |
IGOS 11th Partners meeting |
Rome, Italy |
GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Workshop on linking in situ and remote sensing |
St. Petersburg, Russia |
GOFC-GOLD Executive Committee meeting |
Edmonton, Canada |
16 - 18 Dec. |
TOPC panel meeting |
Rome, Italy |
13 Dec. |
TCO Panel meeting |
San Francisco, USA |
2 - 4 Dec. |
GTOS Biodiversity workshop |
Berlin, Germany |
1 - 6 Dec. |
Asia Cover/GLCN training workshop |
Bangkok, Thailand |
10 - 14 Nov. |
Africa Sahel GLCN training workshop |
Dakar, Senegal |
19 - 22 Oct. |
GTOS Coastal Implementation Plan Workshop |
La Selva, Costa Rica |
7 - 9 Oct. |
GOSIC review |
Lewes, USA |
7 Oct. |
GOFC-GOLD Fire Implementation Team Meeting |
Sydney, Australia |
9 - 13 Sep. |
GOFC-GOLD Forest Fire Management workshop |
Khabarovsk, Russia |
17 - 23 Aug. |
4th Meeting of Southern Africa Fire Network (SAFNET) |
Kruger National Park, South Africa |
3 - 6 June |
TCO/GCP Improved quantification of global carbon cycle fluxes |
Sheffield, UK |
16 - 18 March |
GOFC-GOLD Executive Committee Meeting |
Ispra, Italy |
24 - 27 March |
Mazatlan, Mexico |
16 - 18 March |
GOFC-GOLD Executive Committee Meeting |
Ispra, Italy |
3 - 6 March |
Meeting of the GTOS Coastal panel |
Ispra, Italy |
21 - 22 Feb. |
ICSU Assessment meeting |
Paris, France |
15 - 16 Jan. |
IGOS Coastal Theme Development Workshop |
Washington, DC, USA |
26 - 31 Oct. |
CEE TCO data warehouse building workshop |
Prague, Czech Republic |
16 - 18 Oct. |
GTOS coastal workshop |
Greenville, North Carolina, USA |
24 - 27 Sep. |
Fourth session of COOP |
Cape Town, South Africa |
25 - 31 Aug. |
3rd European Conference on Restoration Ecology |
Budapest, Hungary |
29 July - 1 Aug. |
Third meeting of the GOFC-GOLD Southern Africa Fire network (SAFNET) |
Gaborone, Botswana |
7 - 10 July |
2nd LBA Science Conference |
Manaus, Brazil |
25 - 27 June |
TOPC meeting |
Ispra, Italy |
4 - 6 June |
Southern Africa data/metadata policy workshop |
Pretoria, South Africa |
4 - 6 June |
CEE Knowledgeware Training Workshop |
Budapest, Hungary |
30 - 31 May |
7th G3OS sponsors meeting and IGOS-P meeting |
Paris, France |
6 - 7 May |
FAO/UNEP Global land cover changes |
Florence, Italy |
1 - 3 May |
GOOS steering committee meeting, |
Paris, France |
15 - 19 April |
GCOS steering committee |
Farnham, UK |
11 - 13 Feb. |
GOFC Land Cover Implementation Team Meeting |
Toulouse, France |
23 - 25 Jan. |
Forest-related definitions |
Rome, Italy |
22 - 23 Jan. |
TOPC meeting |
Rome, Italy |
GTOS 34 |
GTOS Biennial report 2002 - 2003 |
GTOS 33 |
GTN-H Coordination Panel Meeting report. Toronto, Canada. 21 - 22 November 2002, GCOS 85, GTOS 33. |
GTOS 32 |
HWRP/GCOS/GTOS Expert Meeting on Hydrological Data for Global Studies report, Toronto, Canada. 18 - 20 November 2002, GCOS 84, GTOS 32. |
GTOS 31 |
TCO: The Frascati report on in situ carbon data and information. |
GTOS 30 |
GTOS Biennial report 2000 - 2001 |
GTOS 29 |
GCOS/GTOS/HWRP Expert Meeting on the Implementation of a Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology (GTN-H), GTOS 29, GCOS 71 Koblenz, Germany. June 2001. |
GTOS-28 |
Global Change and Mountain Regions, The Mountain Research Initiative |
GTOS-27 |
Terrestrial Data Management and Accessibility Workshop in Central and Eastern Europe, Vàcràtòt, Hungary. 30 October - 4 November 2000 |
GTOS-26 |
GCOS/GTOS/HWRP Establishment of a Global Hydrological Observation Network for Climate, Geisenheim, Germany. 26 - 30 June 2000 |
GTOS-25 |
IGOS-P Carbon Cycle Observation Theme: Terrestrial and Atmospheric Components. October 2000 (revised February 2001) |
GTOS-24 |
GTOS Biennial report. 1998 - 1999 |
GTOS-23 |
Terrestrial Carbon Observation, Synthesis Workshop Ottawa, Canada. |
GTOS-22 |
GTOS/GCOS Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate, fifth session. |
GTOS-21 |
GTOS Regional Implementation Plan for Southern Africa. |
GTOS-20 |
Regional Implementation Plan for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). |
GTOS-19 |
GTOS Steering Committee, second session. |
GTOS-18 |
GTOS Data and Information Management Plan. |
GTOS-17 |
GTOS Implementation Plan. |
GTOS-16 |
Report of the G3OS, Joint Data and Information Management Panel, fourth
session. |
GTOS-15 |
GTOS/GCOS Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate, fourth session. |
GTOS-14 |
GTOS Annual Report -1997. |
GTOS-13 |
GHOST - Global Hierarchical Observing Strategy. |
GTOS-12 |
GCOS/GTOS Plan for Terrestrial Climate-related Observations, version
2.0. |
GTOS-11 |
GCOS/GOOS/GTOS Joint Data and Information Management Panel (JDIMP), third session, Tokyo, Japan. 15 - 18 July 1997 |
GTOS-10 |
Meeting of Experts on Ecological Networks. |
GTOS-9 |
Global Observing Systems Space Panel (GOSSP), third session. |
GTOS-8 |
GTOS Coordination and Implementation meeting. |
GTOS-7 |
GTOS and the Conventions. |
GTOS-6 |
First meeting of the GTOS Steering Committee, final session |
GTOS-5 |
Global Observing Systems Space Panel, second session |
GTOS-4 |
In Situ Observations for the Global Observing Systems |
GTOS-3 |
Planning Group Report -"GTOS: Turning a sound concept into a practical
reality". |
GTOS-2 |
Expert Meeting on Hydrological Data for Global Observing Systems |
GTOS-1 |
GCOS/GTOS Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate, third session |
All publications are available on request from the GTOS Secretariat or can be downloaded from the GTOS web site: |
Robert Scholes
Agency Representatives
Salvatore Arico
Division of Ecological Sciences
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Kenneth Davidson
Director, World Climate Programme
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Norberto Fernandez
Chief, Early Warning and Observing System Branch
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Thomas Rosswall
Executive Director
International Council for Science (ICSU)
Jeff Tshirley
Chief, Environment and Natural Resources Service
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Panel Chairs
John Townshend
Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD)
Department of Geography, University of Maryland
Shaun Quegan
Terrestrial Carbon Observation (TCO)
Centre for Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics, University of Sheffield
Alan Belward
Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC)
Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit, European Commission Joint Research Centre
John Latham, Programme Director
Paul Reichert, Remote Sensing Officer
Géraud Servin, Environment Officer
Reuben Sessa, Programme Officer
Stephanie Vertecchi, Secretary
Alexandra Fleming
Steffen Gruenler
Aurélien Letourneau
Special thanks to:
Rebeca Andarias de Prado, Mari Bullock, Josef Cihlar, Rhonda Davis, Helen De Beer, Adhemar Fontes, Thomas Hofer, Karl Morteo, Markus Reichstein, Anne Ricchiuti, Carol Saynor, Chris Schmullius, Anatoly Shvidenko, Rebeka Szabó, Lesley Tench-Mattioni, Katalin Torok, and many others who have assisted in the GTOS programme.