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3. Workshop results.

Results of evaluation and planning exercises hold during the Majgaon workshop are presented in a table format in the following pages. To prepare these tables, accurate translations of Nepali original workshop flip-charts have been done by the authors of this report. Further treatment of this information, aimed at making the tables as self-explanatory as possible, included:

* preparation of a comprehensive list of on-going changes in community living conditions and natural resource management, based on single activity-based maps prepared by the four working groups (see Table 2);

* rephrasing of some SWO analysis and participatory planning matrix statements aimed at making clearer their English meaning;

* addition, whenever needed, of footnotes providing the contextual information necessary to better convey the ideas expressed by participants;

* re-sequencing of activities included in user-group plans, aimed at highlighting the links existing in some cases among different proposed initiatives.

Table 2 - Changes related to project activities as identified by User Groups members during the participatory impact mapping exercise.

User Group


Actual or expected (*) perceived changes

Number of affected households

- easier access to fuelwood;

Gairivan Community Forest UG

Forest management

- better managed forest*;

- development of cooperative feelings among forest user group members;


- increase in UG funds*

- increase in milk production*;

- utilisation of wasteland;

Nabajagaran Development UG

Distribution and plantation of forest, fodder and grass seeds and seedlings

- concern for tree planting spread within the community.


Participants note: short term benefits have been acquired from grass species, but tree species can not give any benefit in a short time.

- awareness built up of the importance of women self-organisation;

Pragati Women UG

Compost making and vegetable gardening

- time saved (this is becausemanure is available on the spot);


- supply of healthy and fresh vegetables*;

- income generation and increase in UG


- increase in vegetable production*.

- supply of clean water;

- decrease of diarhhoeal diseases;

- saving of time;

Simpani Water Source UG

Water source protection

- identification of a way to share the work according to the benefits which will be taken from the activity;


- increase in the quantity of water in the


- use of waste water for livestock

watering and irrigation.

Table 3.a - Example of impacts map of Majghaon Community Action Plan, as prepared by workshop team during initial training.

Table 3.b. - Example of impacts map as prepared by Gairiban Forest User Group during the workshop.

Table 4 - Simpani Water Source Protection SWO analysis (Simpani Water Committe)




All the water committee members have understood that water supply is a problem which can be solved.

No arrangement for future maintenance were made.

Water charges could be collected to finance maintenance.

Work properly shared among water committee members.

No regular meetings are hold among water committee members

Conduct regular meetings.

Required material were made available on time.

Due to conflicts waste water is not utilised so far (for irrigation)

Arrangement of contributions was made in such a way that those who benefit more will contribute more (and those who benefit less will contribute less).

(Irrigation of) vegetable gardening is possible by making use of the waste water.

Due to lack of technical knowledge, the cover of the tank is too big (heavy; it is difficult clean and control).

Construction of a separate place for livestock drinking water.

Most users were of good understanding (cooperative).

More agricultural land taken than expected.

By settling the conflicts, water can be made accessible for more people.

Enough supply of water.

Leaking problem in in-take.

Three persons can get water at a time; this contributes to time saving.

Table 5 - Compost making and vegetable gardening SWO analysis (Pragati Women User Group)




Easy to assemble people. Easy to arrange needed materials.

One of the two groups involved in the activity (Sabodaya WUG) has not access to irrigation water.

The water for irrigation can be made available through protection of other water sources nearer to the vegetable gardens.

Improved use of straw (1).

Lack of market for selling vegetables.

Soil quality (productivity) increased.

Fair prices may not be paid for vegetable (2).

Compost availability of the spot decreases time needed to prepare and manure field.

Make agreement with hotels and restaurants to sell in advance (secure a market for) our vegetable production.

Increased vegetable production and income will be achieved in the future.

Employment opportunities for women will also be made available.

Notes: 1) Group stressed that straw is better used for compost making than for animal feeding (as customary); 2) Group refers to what happes when production was sold to PUCD project Base Camp kitchen.

Table 6 - Forest Handover SWO Analysis (Gairivan Community Forest User Group)




Forest protection responsibility have been taken on rotation by all the households belonging to the Forest User Group.

Abusive grazing was not sufficiently controlled.

Better control over abusive grazing in areas of recent plantation should be established.

Timber and fuelwood needed by Forest User Group households were partially supplied by the forest.

Forest management is not made according to agreements established through the Forest Group constitution (members are not contributing as they committed to planting, pruning, etc.).

The new constitution should be registered and people should commit to work accordingly.

No further encroachment in the forest took place.

The group is still not able to tap all the potential of the forest.

Plantations in waste lands should be extended.

Control of soil erosion and improvement in environment have been achieved

Current production is not enough to meet the requirements of all Forest User Group households.

Fodder, fuelwood and trees planting in private lands should be promoted.

Management of Gairy forest has been an example for others community forests group (such as Khepuwa and Chandregairo)

Forest User Group funds have increased.

Table 7 - Fruit and fodder trees and plants saplings distribution SWO analysis (Navajgaran User Group)




Seeds and sapling were made easily and timely available.

People were not able to pay the User Group in time for fruits saplings.

To get technical know-how through extension and training.

Transportation cost was borne by the project.

Lack of technical know-how.

Seedlings and saplings to be distributed should be selected according to farmers preferences.

Proper utilisation of the land.

Seedlings and sapling were not made available according to the preferences of the farmers.

Fodder trees, sissies and other species are growing well.

Not received any training, nor enough extension.

Some of the fruit saplings died.

User Group funds increase because of sapling selling to individual farmers.

Control of soil erosion and improvement in community environment

Farmer negligence in bringing-up saplings and seedlings was observed.

Good source of income in the future.

Proper use of the waste land.

It makes easier livestock raising.

Increase in manure material availability.

Time will be saved, because fodder will be available on farm.

Increased milk production.

Table 8 - Adwabari User Group 1997 Action Plan


Expected changes or benefits

N of beneficiary households

User group inputs

Support needed from outsiders

Outsider organisation

Tentative implementation schedule

Persons responsible for start-up

Govinda Basel

Trail improvement (Subadri Chautara to Mil).

It will be easier to walk


Collection and transport of stone

Baskets, tools and materials.

PUCD project

Pabitra Nepali

December 1996 -February 1997

Ramgi Pokherel

Sitaram Adikari.

Adult literacy classes

Participants will be enabled to read and write


Selection of participants

Salary of teacher.

PUCD project

Starting from December 1996.

Pabitra Nepali

Books and stationeries.

Sitaram Adikari.

Table 9 - Gairiban Community Forest User Group 1997 Action Plan


Expected changes or benefits

N of beneficiary households

User group inputs

Support needed from outsiders

Outsider organisation

Tentative implementation schedule

Persons responsible for start-up

Prepare constitution for discussion

PUCD project

Prepare and register Forest User Group constitution

Forest protection work will be supported by the law


Register constitution in District Forest Office

Technical advice from rangers (as needed)

District Forest Office

November 1996

Executive members of the User Group.

Forest will be under the control of the User Group.

Action plan (to be prepared immediately after registration of the constitution)

PUCD project

All over the year (to be continued for the next 5 years)

All the members of the user group, particularly Executive Committee members

Forest hand-over

Forest will be better managed, and protected


Implement as per management plan

Technical advice

District Forest Office

Re-afforestation and tree planting in private land

Additional supply of fuelwood and fodder


Plantation and protection of the saplings

Making saplings and seedlings available

PUCD project

All the members of the user group.

Technical support

District Forest Office

March - June 1997

PUCD project

UG Executive Committe

Training in plantation, cultivation and rules and regulation for forest management

Improved knowledge of technical and legal aspects of forest management.


Selection of trainees.

Organisation and provision of training

District Forest Office


Table 10 - Nabajagaran User Group (1) 1997 Action Plan


Expected changes or benefits

N of beneficiary households

User group inputs

Support needed from outsiders

Outsider organisation

Tentative implementation schedule

Persons responsible for start-up

It will be easier to walk

Provision of stones

Time saved


Transport of materials

As per PUCD project rules

PUCD project

January-February 1997

Goma Baniya

Trail improvement (Koldando to Thantidando)

Control of soil erosion


Trail improvement (4-500 mt.s from Dharapani to Rumti) (2)

as above


as above

as above

as above

December 1996 -June 1997

Tulsi Pokherel Keshab Sharma, Bhurvan Katel Nanda Pokherel.

Selection of participants

Salary of teachers

Women literacy class in Thati Danda

Women will be able to read and write


Arrangement of the classroom

Books and stationaries

PUCD project

Starting in December 1996

Goma Baniya

Women literacy class in Majgaon

Women will be able to read and write


as above

as above

PUCD project

Starting in December 1996

Rishi Katel

Saplings purchase

Sapling made available

Fruit sapling distribution, including training

Supply of food and fodder, control of soil erosion,.


Selection of trainees


PUCD project

June - July 1997

User Group Committee.

Notes: 1) This is award-level user group; 2) This activity will be carried out in collaboration Pragati Group (see Table 11).

Table 11 - Pragati Women Group 1997 Action Plan


Expected changes or benefits

N of beneficiary households

User group inputs

Support needed from outsiders

Outsider organisation

Tentative implementation schedule

Persons responsible for start-up

10 goats raising (including training)

Increased income


Kid purchase and raising

Transport of kids

PUCD project

January 1997(start)

Bindra Katel Sorswoti

Manure availability

Meat production.

Selection of trainees

Provision of training

District Livestock Office.

Laxmi Katel.

Fodder seedling distribution (1).

More fodder for livestock

Time saving


Saplings and seedling purchase

Make seedlings available

PUCD project

June - July 1997


Utilisation of waste land

Distribution of seedlings and saplings among group members


Control of soil erosion


Increased supply of fuel wood

Fruit sapling distribution, including training (2)

Increased income


Saplings purchase

Transport costs.

PUCD project

June-July 1997


Improvement in health (nutrition)

Selection of trainees

Technical assistance

District Agricultural Office


Improved use of land


Trail improvement (+/- 400 - 500 mts from Dharapani - to Rumdiphedi) (3)

It will be easier to walk

Provision of stones


Time saving


Transport of materials

Skilled labour

PUCD project

January - March 1997


Control of soil erosion.



Acces to safe water


Provision of stone and sand


Nanda Prasad

Banspani water source protection.

Time saving.

Perform digging and re-filling work

Pipes and tap sets.

PUCD project

January - February 1997

Gowinda Mina

Skilled labour.


Dhadmang Padhero Water source protection

Acces to safe water


Provision of stone and sand



Time saving.

Perform digging and re-filling work

Pipes and tap sets

PUCD project

January - March 1997

Siroda Nepali.

Skilled labour.

Notes: 1) Seeds necessary to plant about 2,000 plants of tanki, nimaro, paspate, pakuri, badahar, sissoo, bakaino, and kutmiro, are requested; 2) Species requested are mango, lichy, betel nut, lemon, guaba and banana.

Note: 3) This activity will be carried out in collaboration with Nabajgaran (ward-level) User Group (see Table 10).

Table 12 · Sabodaya Women Group Action Plan for 1997


Expected changes or benefits

N of beneficiary households

User group inputs

Support needed from outsiders

Outsider organisation

Tentative implementation schedule

Persons responsible for start-up

Acces to safe water.

PUCD project

Mina Mishra

Majhuwa Kuwa source protection.

Irrigation for vegetable gardening.


Provision of stone and sand.

Village Development Committee

November 1996 -January 1997

Cita Missra

Availability of water for livestock

Perform digging and re-filling work.

District Drinking Water Office.

Bissnu Katel.

Supply of seeds.

Pipe for irrigation

Bissnu Katel,

December 1996 -March 1997

Shrimaya Gurung


Perform cultivation.


PUCD project

Dil Kumari Pokhrel

Vegetables gardening

Increase in user group funds.

Sabitri Pokhrel.

Rumti Kuwa source protection.

Provision of stone and sand


Dil Kumari Pokhrel

Pipes and tap sets

PUCD project

Acces to safe water


Perform digging and re-filling work

Skilled labour.

December 1996 -March 1997

Pabitra Pokhrel.

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