The authors hereby express their gratitude to the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) of Thailand for organizing and hosting the regional workshop, as well as to the Thai Department of Fisheries (DOF) for its valuable support. The authors likewise particularly acknowledge the contributions of the resource persons and participants representing the Department of Fisheries of Thailand, the Asia Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA), Maejo University, the Cooperative League of Thailand, the Department of Fisheries of Viet Nam, the Development Assistance Fund (DAF) of Viet Nam, the Support to Freshwater Aquaculture (SUFA) component of the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) Fisheries Sector Programme Support (FSPS) in Viet Nam, the provincial Womens Union of Son La province, Lai Chau province and Hoa Binh province of Viet Nam, the Directorate of Fisheries Development of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation of Nepal, the Myemensingh Aquaculture Extension Project (MAEP) of Bangladesh, the Society for Social Service of Bangladesh, the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of Sri Lanka, the Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia, the Kuantan Area Fishermens Association of Malaysia and the B.S. Konkan Agriculture University, Dapoli, India. The authors wish to thank Roberta Mitchell for her thorough editing of this publication.