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The authors wish to acknowledge the considerable assistance provided by Dr Arumugam Kandiah of the Land and Water Development Division of FAO, Random Dubois of the FAO Investment Centre and their colleagues at FAO. Also Robert Bos, Executive Secretary of PEEM, made a major contribution, in particular to the section Human health. Other notable contributors include Peter Furu (Danish Bilharzia Laboratory), Alfred Heuperman (Institute of Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture, Victoria, Australia), Dr A Mauderli and Martin Fritsch (Institute for Land Improvement and Water Management (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland), and Wolfram Dirksen (German National Committee of the ICID). The publication was reformatted and prepared for printing by Han Kamphuis and Chrissi Redfern. The authors wish to thank the above, and others too numerous to mention, for their contributions to this Guide.

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