81. Further work was planned by the BRS on predictive modelling of the occurrence of demersal fishes in the study area. No other research was planned but liaison and exchange of data with New Zealand may be undertaken to investigate catch and effort analysis of fisheries in the study area or at least obtain some idea of the spatial processes active in the fishery. The CSIRO will continue studies on marine climate and biological oceanography of the Eastern Indian Ocean. It is recognized that the impact of trawling on on seamount biodiversity needs to be further assessed.
South Africa
82. There may be participation in a future Global Environmental Facility (GEFs) programme; this was a new project with components focusing on the coastal area, fisheries and pollution. Some uncertainty exists as to how this programme will develop and dealing with the GEFs remains complicated and not always clear. It is understood that there may also be an offshore South Africa/Mozambique Programme.
83. No work was planned for the future.
84. The appointment of a high-seas fisheries biologist is underway - when completed this programme should come into effect.
85. A deepwater longlining programme is planned.
86. A fishery survey of approximately one-month by a research trawler is planned around Amsterdam and regions.
87. No work was planned for the future.