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Session 10 - Control of the GGB through chemical treatment of shelled maize

Topic: Control of the GGB Through Chemical Treatment of Shelled Maize
Duration: 4 hours

By the end of this session, the participants should:

(i) know that Actellic Super is currently the only chemical available for controlling a complex of insects infestation, Incl. GGB

ii) know the actual quantities/measures of Actellic Super (A.S.) necessary to treat given quantities of maize and surface areas of containers/structures

iii) know that the performance of A.S. on maize for purposes of preventing or killing GGB is only satisfactory when the maize has been shelled

iv) be able to effectively dust shelled maize, containers and premises (storage or drying structures).

Target Group:

- Subject Matter Specialists (SMS's)
- Technical Assistants (TA's)
- Farmers
- Individual traders, transporters and staff of trading orgs.
- Local leaders

Training Materials:

- samples of cob maize
- samples of shelled maize
- maize sheller - several units
- samples of Actellic Super dust in different package sizes
- some gunny bags
- other containers which may be used to store maize
- spade
- BB with chalk and eraser or FC with paper or felt pen
- some water and soap
- home-made plastic protective clothing
- small lockable cupboard
- overhead transparencies of Tables 1 and 2
- Fuffle


a) The trainer should first of all assist the participants to recapitulate the following:

30 minutes


i) the fact that the GGB can fly

ii) the ecology of the GGB, i.e. the range of products that it can bore through and hide in

iii) The amount of damage and economic loss that the GGB can bring about and how it may be transmitted from place to place

iv) the fact that the GGB performs very poorly in shelled maize

v) the elements of farm hygiene (if farmers are among the target group).

b) The trainer should then explain the fact that the GGB, unlike other insect pests, has been and will continue to be very difficult to control using conventional chemicals like Malathion, Actellic 1%, etc.

5 minutes

c) The trainer should then explain the fact that, currently, it is only Actellic Super which is available on the market to fight the GGB. The various package sizes of A.S. available on the market should be shown to the participants.

d) It should be explained that less chemical with better coverage is achieved on shelled maize as opposed to maize on cobs. This point should be emphasized and repeated time after time thereafter during the session.

30 minutes

e) The trainer should ask participants to demonstrate how to shell maize using bare hands. Then, he/she should introduce the participants to the plastic or metal sheller and demonstrate how much easier it is to use. Each participant should be allowed to try out the maize sheller for several minutes. The price of the maize sheller and the amount of maize that can be shelled per person per day using the sheller as compared to the amount possible by a person using bare hands should be made clear. The trainer should make the participants appreciate the sheller's good job for money paid.

f) Other mechanical maize-shellers and their related aspects should be discussed.

1 hour

g) The trainer should show the participant the sample packages of Actellic Super and explain once again that, so far, A.S. is the only chemical available for controlling the GGB. The package sizes and prices should be explained.

h) The instructions and symbols on the packages should be read by the trainer carefully to the participants and their significance should be explained, especially:

- measurements/quantities of A.S. required to dust given quantities of shelled maize
- dusting procedures from beginning to end
- first aid actions during emergencies, e.g. if somebody accidentally swallows A.S.
- chemical storage instructions
- shelf life of A.S. 1% and effective period when applied.

i) For the SMS's and TA's, the trainer should explain the fact that A.S. is a "cocktail", containing the following compounds:

Active Ingredient

Trade Name


1.6% Pirimiphos-methyl



0.3% Permethrin


It should be explained that the "Permethrin" component is the one which is active to the GGB and the one that differentiates A.S. from the ordinary Actellic.

Other examples of "cocktail" insecticides may be given.

j) A small packet of A.S. should be opened and each participant should be allowed to smell it.

k) The trainer should, at this stage, explain that, for traders who handle large quantities of maize, they will have to use relatively large quantities of A.S. Since such quantities of A.S. may be harmful to human beings, protective clothing has to be worn when treating maize and containers.

The trainer should demonstrate how to wear the following protective clothing:

- face shield (for eyes and nose)
- head cover
- dust mask
- overalls
- gloves boots

1 hour

1) The trainer should then explain how to estimate required quantities of A.S. for dusting surface areas of containers, e.g. gunny bags, drying structures, storage structures and maize. The manufacturers' specifications should be converted to measures understandable and available to the participants, e.g. tablespoons, match-boxes, etc. Overhead transparencies showing Tables 1 and 2 should be visualized and explained.



Approximate Surface Area (m2)

Manufacturer's Specifications (gms)

Reasonable Approximation (teaspoons)

1 section crib




2 sections crib












Gunny bag





Although "teaspoon" is mentioned as a measurement for simplicity's sake, the trainer should insist that other tools are used for dusting maize and different containers as there are:

- bottle tops, content: 5 gms
- match box, content: 25 gms
- shoe polish tin, content: 50 gms.

For example, if a granary has to be treated with 250 gms of A.S., which is equal to 25 teaspoons, 10 matchboxes of A.S. can be used instead. One 90 kg bag should be treated with 2 matchboxes or 1 shoe polish tin of A.S. The use of any instrument, tool or container used for food preparation should be discouraged.




Weight of Maize

Amount of A.S.

Quantity of Maize

Amount of A. S.

90 kg.

50 gms.

1 full bag

5 teaspoons

18 kg.

10 gms.

1 debe

1 teaspoon

36 kg.

20 gms.

2 debes

2 teaspoons

54 kg.

30 gms.

3 debes

3 teaspoons

72 kg.

40 gms.

4 debes

4 teaspoons

90 kg.

50 gms.

5 debes

5 teaspoons

200 kg.

111 gms.

1 drum

12 teaspoons

15 minutes

1) The trainer should demonstrate the dusting of surface areas of gunny bags, walls, etc., making use of Table 1. The participants should be allowed an opportunity to practice dusting surface areas.

15 minutes

m) The dusting of shelled maize should then be demonstrated (especially thorough mixing), making use of Table 2. The participants should be allowed an opportunity to practice the dusting of shelled maize.

15 minutes

n) The participants should be allowed to ask questions and to seek clarifications on unclear matters. The trainer should be prepared to explain that:

i) Dusting cobbed maize with husks will not be effective because the husks prevent the dust from reaching the kernel in which the GGB may already have entered.

ii) Dusting dehusked cob maize is not effective because of the difficulty of ensuring that all the kernels or seeds on the cob are completely dusted.

iii) The cost of dehusking and shelling maize at once then dusting are far less than the almost certain costs likely to be incurred when the GGB attack the crop.

iv) Henceforth, dusting maize and maize containers and stores with A.S. will be compulsory for all farmers and traders in GGB infested areas.

v) Overdosage when dusting may lead to loss of money.

vi) Underdosage when dusting will not be effective at all and may lead to resistance.

o) The trainer should then summarize the session by:

15 minutes

1) Repeating the fact that the GGB can subsist in many media but can only breed well in maize and cassava.

2) Repeating the fact that the GGB does not bore well in shelled maize.

3) Stating that an effective way of controlling the spread of the GGB is to dust all containers, drying areas, stores and vehicles transporting maize with recommended quantities of A.S.

4) Stating once again the instructions with regard to:

* dusting of surfaces
* dusting of maize
* storage of A.S. and other insecticides
* how to act in cases of emergencies, e.g. when A.S. has been poured in someone's eyes, etc.

5) Emphasizing that A.S. will be more effective on shelled maize.

6) Emphasizing that dusting of maize, maize containers, stores and drying areas is now compulsory in GGB-infested areas.

5 minutes

p) The trainer should end the session by locking up the remaining quantities of A.S. in a cupboard and washing his hands with soap and water in the presence of the participants. The participants should also be given soap and water to wash their hands.

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