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Hand out 13 - Appropriate produce storage structures and systems

1) The agents of post-harvest losses are:

- insects such as the weevil and the GGB
- moulds rodents
- birds
- thieves
- wildlife

2) The types of losses caused by the agents are: degradation of the quality of the produce

- reduction in the quantity of the produce
- reduction in the nutritional value of the produce
- colossal financial/economic losses to the farmers, traders and the country.

3) The characteristics of appropriate produce storage structures are:

i) Storage systems and structures for produce, especially maize, should be constructed so as to eliminate entry, survival and multiplication of the post-harvest pests.

ii) The characteristics of a good storage system are:

1) The roof should not be leaking, i.e. and angle of 45 and thick thatch are necessary, with sufficient eaves.

2) The structure should be raised from the ground, approximately 1m for granaries and 15 cm (6 inches) for platforms.

3) The structure should be ventilated but should be solid enough to contain either shelled maize kernels or shelled maize in bags.

4) The structure should be cool but dry"

5) The structure should be easy to treat with insecticides and to inspect routinely.

6) The structure should be protected from access by rodents, e.g. rats.

7) The structure should be strong and near or in the dwelling house.

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