Topic: Quarantine Measures to Control the Spread of the GGB
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
At the end of this session, the participants should:
(i) know the important and relevant provisions of the Plant Protection Act, Cap. 324 of the Laws of Kenyaii) know other provisions of the Laws of Kenya applicable to production, storage, sale, movement, etc. of poisonous food
iii) know the contents of Legal Notice No. 143 of 1991
iv) know what is legally expected of them under the provisions of the law and legal notice currently in force
v) know the roles and responsibilities of the crop inspectors
vi) know the likely punishments for those who defy the Legal Notice.
Target Group:
- Subject Matter Specialists (SMS's)
- Technical Assistants (TA's)
- Farmers
- Individual traders and employees of trading organizations
- Local leaders
- Magistrates
- Civil and Administration Policemen
- Officials of the Customs Department
Training Materials:
- Relevant extracts of the Plant Protection Act
- The Legal Notice No. 143 of 1991
- Extracts of other relevant laws
- BB with chalk and eraser or FC with paper and felt pen
15 minutes
a) The trainer should, first of all, assist the participants to recapitulate the following:i) The global and regional spread of the GGB
ii) The ecology of the GGB
iii) The damage or losses brought about by the GGB.b) The provisions of the Plant Protection Act should be read out and explained carefully to the participants.
15 minutes
c) The trainer should then define the word QUARANTINE as: (Period of) isolation for people, animals, plants, etc. that may carry an infectious disease, until it is known that there is no danger of the disease being passed on to others. The Legal Notice No. 143 of 1991 should then be explained as a quarantine measure to control of the spread of the GGB
5 minutes
d) The trainer should intensify the participants' learning by quoting examples of other applicable provisions of Kenya's laws and cases of apprehensions and judgements in such cases.
30 minutes
e) The procedures for moving maize from infested areas (to be specified) to non-infested ones should be enumerated, especially:i) The need to have the maize inspected, first of all, by an official of the MoA at grassroot level, who should then make a report to the DAEO in duplicate as to the quality and level of treatment of the maize consignment in question (see standard form below).ii) The DAEO should, on the strength of the recommendation, issue a phytosanitary certificate under his signature and seal.
iii) The certificate and copy of the report from the MoA grassroot level personnel should be borne by the transporter of the maize.
N.B. Nominal fees may be charged by the MoA to cover the costs of inspection and stationery.
f) The need for shops and storage facilities dealing in maize and maize containers to obtain inspection record sheets which should be signed each time the premises are inspected should be explained.
g) The appointment responsibilities and roles of crop inspectors should also be explained, especially the following duties:
i) that the maize being transported is treated
ii) that the Phytosanitary Certificate has been issued
5 minutes
h) The trainer should allow the participants time to ask questions.i) The session's contents may be summarized as follows:
10 minutes
* Highlights of the provisions of the Plant Protection Act* Highlights of legal Notice No. 143 of 1991
* The definition of the term QUARANTINE
* Procedures for moving maize from infested to non-infested areas, i.e. recommendation and phytosanitary certificate
* Requirements for stockists of maize and maize containers in the GGB-infested and threatened areas, i.e. inspection record sheet
* The roles and responsibilities of crop inspectors.