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Opening of the Session (Agenda item 1)

2. The session was opened by Dr. Julio Herrera, Minister of Industry, Energy and Mines, in his capacity as Chairman of the National Codex Committee, who welcomed all participants and pointed out the diversity of food production systems in the Region. In the changing environment created by the globalization of food trade, he pointed out that care should be taken to develop it in equitable conditions for all countries so as to cover the needs of large parts of mankind which had not sufficient access to food supplies. Similarly he stressed the importance of developing international standards on a scientific basis, and noted that all interested sectors, should be involved in the elaboration process especially research and technical institutes.

3. Dr. Alfredo Solari, Minister of Health, highlighted the importance of ensuring food security and the access to food of populations still suffering from hunger and malnutrition in the Region. He recalled the risks associated with foods and the vigilance required with respect to foodborne diseases, in order to strike a balance between food availability and food safety requirements, and stressed the role of Codex and CCLAC to provide guidance in this respect.

4. Dr. Carlos Gasparri, Minister of Agriculture recalled the active participation of Uruguay in the work of Codex and FAO/WHO Expert Groups at the international level, and the impetus given to such participation by the creation of the National Codex Committee. He stressed the necessity for Codex to meet the requirements of the WTO SPS and TBT Agreements and assist countries to meet their obligations. In this perspective, he highlighted the importance of the statements of principles adopted by the Commission to establish the scientific basis of the decision-making process. He expressed the wish that the Committee would contribute to the improvement and simplification of Codex work and promote larger participation from developing countries.

5. Dr. Gregory D. Orriss, Chief of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, welcomed all participants on behalf of the Directors-General of FAO and WHO and expressed his appreciation to the Government of Uruguay for hosting the Session, and for its continued support to the Codex programme. He recalled the objectives of Codex Alimentarius to protect consumers’ health and facilitate international trade, and pointed out the specific relevance of Codex standards and related text in the framework of the SPS and TBT Agreements.

6. Dr. Jaime Estupiñan, Director of INPPAZ, welcomed participants on behalf of the Directors-General of WHO and PAHO, emphasizing the importance of the session of the Coordinating Committee to accompany the actions being developed at the national level to organize food safety programmes. He highlighted the factors which had contributed to the increase of such activities: the cholera epidemic in the region, subregional integration initiatives, and the establishment of WTO and its Agreements. He drew the attention of the Committee to high impact programmes such as the elimination of poliomyelitis and the eradication of foot-and-mouth disease in the countries of the Cono Sur.

7. Dr. Michel Négrin, FAO Representative in Uruguay, highlighted the importance of food production for the economy of countries in the Region, and the relevance of Codex standards and recommendations to promote international food trade. Since its creation in 1962 the Codex Alimentarius Commission had integrated the necessities of Member countries and the requirements of international agreements on food and nutrition. The International Conference on Nutrition, held in Rome in 1992, emphasized the importance of consumer protection and the safety and quality of the food supply. In the recently held World Food Summit, heads of state and governments of approximately 200 countries agreed on the Rome Declaration, committing themselves to the implementation of the Plan of Action of the Summit in an ongoing effort to eliminate hunger and malnutrition. He stressed the importance of Codex in the perspective of the WTO Agreements and the role of the Coordinating Committee to promote the participation of countries in the Region in Codex work, in conjunction with the technical assistance provided by FAO to strengthen food control infrastructures. The Representative expressed his thanks to the Government of Uruguay for the organization of the present Session and wished participants all success in their work.

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